Andrew's Software

example workflow Deploy pages-build-deployment

My open source software is packaged and deployed from a central repository: anixpkgs. See the navigation menu for individual package documentation.

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This repository of personally maintained Nix derivations, overlays, and machine closures is essentially the centralized mechanism by which I maintain all of the software I write and use for both personal projects and recreation. In other words, I employ Nix as both a package manager for my software as well as an operating system for all of my computers, Raspberry Pi’s, etc.

These docs provide an overview of how I manage the OS’s of my machines as well as the software that I personally maintain, all within the anixpkgs repo.

Why Nix?

Some of the main reasons why I prefer Nix as a package manager:

  • I highly value code that is not only compelling in its application but that is also maintainable. Code that is subject to compiler/interpreter and external dependency changes over time must be designed with the future in mind. Nix provides me an almost trivial mechanism to incrementally update (and roll back) external dependencies, compilers, or anything else pertaining to a software ecosystem that you can think of.
  • When I write a cool piece of software on one machine, I want to be able to “deploy” that software across all my machines with minimal effort and without having to worry about broken or missing dependencies. With its hermetic build system, I have the peace of mind that the code that I package in Nix will be transferable to essentially any other machine that uses Nix.

Some of the main reasons why I prefer NixOS as an operating system for all of my computers:

  • The same things I value in packaging software, I also value in “packaging an operating system.” NixOS allows me to have total control over every single package in my OS, allowing me to customize every aspect and make changes with the peace of mind that I can always roll back breaking changes.
  • There is something very satisfying and empowering to me about being able to declaratively define the OS closures for all of my machines in just several text files. The overlay-focused design of NixOS modules makes it so that I can design the OS’s of my machines hierarchically, defining packages that are shared between all of my computers as well as packages that are specific to certain computers only. Moreover, when I buy a replacement computer it takes a minimal amount of steps to turn that new computer into an all-intents-and-purposes clone of my old one, which is a capability I value very highly for a lot of reasons.

Given the above, why do I prefer Nix over Docker?

  • To be clear, I do think that Nix and Docker can be used together effectively. However:
  • In general, one will require a mishmash of custom or third-party build and deployment tooling to construct and glue a bunch of Docker containers together if one is trying to architect a complete system using Docker (as could be the case with code running on a robot). Nix provides more of a unified framework to achieve the same benefits, and that ecosystem is much more aesthetically pleasing to me than e.g., "YAML engineering."
  • Docker containers sit atop an already existing, fully fleshed out operating system. Nix allows me to (once agin, within a unified framework) control literally everything about even the operating system in an attempt to avoid unintended side effects at all levels of integration.

Installation and Usage Patterns

The packages defined in this repo are accessible to anyone who uses Nix, which can be installed in two forms:

  • “Standalone” Nix: This will just install the package manager and is the easiest option if you just want access to the packages in this repo. This option could be augmented with a tool called home-manager to at least be able to use some of the closure components alongside your normal OS as well.
  • NixOS: This option is much more invasive as it wholesale replaces your entire operating system, and should only be done if you really know what you’re doing (and love Nix). More instructions in the machines documentation.

For either method, ensure that your Nix version is >= 2.4.

The software packaged in anixpkgs is buildable both through Nix flakes as well as through traditional Nix shells. It’s recommended to use flakes, as that method is more "pure" and allows for more portable integration with the public cache.

Accessing the Packages Using Flakes

Here is a flake.nix file that will get you a shell with select anixpkgs software (version v6.6.0) while also giving you access to the public cache to avoid building from source on your machine:

  description = "Nix shell for anixpkgs.";
  nixConfig.substituters = [
  nixConfig.trusted-public-keys = [
  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:goromal/anixpkgs?ref=refs/tags/v6.6.0";
  outputs = { self, nixpkgs }:
    let pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux;
    in with pkgs; {
      devShell.x86_64-linux = mkShell {
        buildInputs = [

Access the packages with nix develop.

Accessing the Packages Using shell.nix

Here are some shell.nix files to access Python packages (using version v6.6.0 of the packages):

  pkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball
    "") {};
  python-with-my-packages = pkgs.python311.withPackages (p: with p; [


  pkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball
    "") {};
in pkgs.mkShell {
  buildInputs = [
  shellHook = ''
    # Tells pip to put packages into $PIP_PREFIX instead of the usual locations.
    # See
    export PIP_PREFIX=$(pwd)/_build/pip_packages
    export PYTHONPATH="$PIP_PREFIX/${pkgs.python311.sitePackages}:$PYTHONPATH"
    export PATH="$PIP_PREFIX/bin:$PATH"

And for general software packages:

  pkgs = import (builtins.fetchTarball
    "") {};
in with pkgs; mkShell {
  buildInputs = [

Access the packages with nix-shell.

Machine Management

These notes are still a work-in-progress and are currently largely for my personal use only.

Home-Manager Example

  1. Install Nix standalone:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install
  1. Set proper Nix settings in /etc/nix/nix.conf:
substituters =
trusted-public-keys =
narinfo-cache-positive-ttl = 0
narinfo-cache-negative-ttl = 0
experimental-features = nix-command flakes auto-allocate-uids
  1. Add these Nix channels via nix-channel --add URL NAME:
$ nix-channel --list
  1. Install home-manager:

Example home.nix file for personal use:

{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
  user = "andrew";
  homedir = "/home/${user}";
  anixsrc = ./path/to/sources/anixpkgs/.;
in with import ../dependencies.nix { inherit config; }; {
  home.username = user;
  home.homeDirectory = homedir;
  programs.home-manager.enable = true;

  imports = [

  mods.opts.standalone = true;
  mods.opts.homeDir = homedir;
  mods.opts.homeState = "23.05";
  mods.opts.browserExec = "google-chrome-stable";

*-rec-* packages can be removed for non-recreational use.

Symlink to ~/.config/home-manager/home.nix.

Corresponding ~/.bashrc:

export NIX_PATH=$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels:/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels${NIX_PATH:+:$NIX_PATH}
. "$HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/"
# alias code='codium'
# eval "$(direnv hook bash)"

Build and Deploy a Raspberry Pi NixOS SD Configuration

Since the hardware configuration for the Raspberry Pi is well understood, it makes sense to skip the installer step and deploy a fully-fledged clusure instead.

nixos-generate -f sd-aarch64 --system aarch64-linux -c /path/to/anixpkgs/pkgs/nixos/configurations/config.nix [-I nixpkgs=/path/to/alternative/nixpkgs]
nix-shell -p zstd --run "unzstd -d /nix/store/path/to/image.img.zst"
sudo dd if=/path/to/image.img of=/dev/sdX bs=4096 conv=fsync status=progress

On the Pi, connect to the internet, copy over SSH keys (maybe no need for /root/.ssh/) and then set up the Nix channel(s):

sudo nix-channel --add[NIXOS-VERSION] nixos
sudo nix-channel --update

Note that the nixos-generate step may not have "aarch-ified" the anixpkgs packages (that's something for me to look into) so the anix-upgrade setup steps are especially important:

  • Make a ~/sources directory
  • Symlink the configuration file even if it doesn't exist yet
  • Run anix-upgrade to aarch-ify everything

Build a Raspberry Pi NixOS SD Installer Image

nixos-generate -f sd-aarch64-installer --system aarch64-linux -c /path/to/rpi/config.nix [-I nixpkgs=/path/to/alternative/nixpkgs]
nix-shell -p zstd --run "unzstd -d /nix/store/path/to/image.img.zst"
sudo dd if=/path/to/image.img of=/dev/sdX bs=4096 conv=fsync status=progress

On the Pi, copy over SSH keys (including to /root/.ssh/!) and then set up the Nix channel:

sudo nix-channel --add[NIXOS-VERSION] nixos
sudo nix-channel --update

Installation Instructions on a New Machine



Note: You can replace steps 1-8 with a kexec kernel load and disk formatting with disko:

  1. Download a NixOS ISO image.
  2. Plug in a USB stick large enough to accommodate the image.
  3. Find the right device with lsblk or fdisk -l. Replace /dev/sdX with the proper device (do not use /dev/sdX1 or partitions of the disk; use the whole disk /dev/sdX).
  4. Burn ISO to USB stick with
cp nixos-xxx.iso /dev/sdX
# OR
dd if=nixos.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress conv=fdatasync
  1. On the new machine, one-time boot UEFI into the USB stick on the computer (will need to disable Secure Boot from BIOS first)
  2. Wipe the file system:
wipefs [--all -a] /dev/sda
  1. gparted
    1. Create a GUID table: Device > Create Partition Table > GPT
      1. Select /dev/sda
      2. Entire disk
    2. Create the boot partition: Partition > New
      1. Free space preceding (MiB): 1
      2. New size (MiB): 512
      3. Free space following (MiB): Rest
      4. Align to: MiB
      5. Create as: Primary Partition
      6. Partition name: EFI
      7. File system: fat32
      8. Label: EFI
    3. Add the boot flag
      1. Right-click on /dev/sda1 to manage flags
      2. Add the boot flag and enable esp (should be automatic with GPT)
    4. Create the root partition: Partition > New
      1. Free space preceding (MiB): 0
      2. New size (MiB): Rest
      3. Free space following (MiB): 0
      4. Align to: MiB
      5. Create as: Primary Partition
      6. Partition name: NixOS
      7. File system: ext4
      8. Label: NixOS
    5. Apply modifications
  2. Mount root and boot partitions:
mkdir /mnt/nixos
mount /dev/disk/by-label/NixOS /mnt/nixos
mkdir /mnt/nixos/boot
mount /dev/disk/by-label/EFI /mnt/nixos/boot
  1. Generate an initial configuration (you'll want it to enable WiFi connectivity and a web browser at least):
nixos-generate-config --root /mnt/nixos
# /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
# /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix
  1. Do the installation:
nixos-install --root /mnt/nixos
  1. If everything went well:
  1. Log into Github and generate an SSH key for authentication.
  2. Clone and link an editable version of the configuration:
mkdir -p /data/andrew/sources # or in an alternate location, for now
git clone /data/andrew/sources/anixpkgs
cat /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix > /data/andrew/sources/anixpkgs/pkgs/nixos/hardware/[hardware-configuration.nix] # update link/headings in configuration.nix
sudo mv /etc/nixos/configuration.nix /etc/nixos/old.configuration.nix
sudo mv /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix /etc/nixos/old.hardware-configuration.nix
sudo ln -s /data/andrew/sources/anixpkgs/pkgs/nixos/configurations/[your-configuration.nix] /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
  1. Make other needed updates to the configuration, then apply:
sudo nixos-rebuild boot
sudo reboot

Upgrading NixOS versions with anixpkgs

Aside from the source code changes in anixpkgs, ensure that your channels have been updated for the root user:

# e.g., upgrading to 24.05:

sudo nix-channel --update. Then upgrade with

anix-upgrade [source specification] --local --boot

Cloud Syncing

The following mount points are recommended (using rclone to set up):

  • dropbox:secrets -> rclone copy -> ~/secrets
  • dropbox:configs-> rclone copy -> ~/configs
  • dropbox:Games -> rclone copy -> ~/games
  • box:data -> rclone copy -> ~/data
  • box:.devrc -> rclone copy -> ~/.devrc
  • drive:Documents -> rclone copy -> ~/Documents

Build a NixOS ISO Image

TODO (untested); work out hardware configuration portion.

nixos-generate -f iso -c /path/to/personal/configuration.nix [-I nixpkgs=/path/to/alternative/nixpkgs]
sudo dd if=/path/to/nixos.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M conv=fsync status=progress


Request For Comments (RFC) documents are convenient for organizing and iterating on designs for pieces of software. They can serve as north stars for the implementation of more complex software. Below are some examples of RFCs that I've used to guide some personal projects.

RFC: Continuous OS Deployment


Operating System Continuous Deployment (OSCD) refers to the process of seamlessly upgrading my NixOS machines to the latest and greatest release with as little overhead and manual fiddling as possible. This RFC proposes an OSCD overhaul that achieves a greater level of automation and reproducibility in the OS upgrade process via a few added GitHub CD hooks, the new CLI tool anix-upgrade, and some development process changes.


NixOS upgrades on my machines are done using the nixos-rebuild command, which builds the system configuration according to the (symlinked) file /etc/nixos/configuration.nix, which points to a mutable root configuration file in ~/sources/anixpkgs/.

This model lends itself best to rapid prototyping and test, as changes to the configuration can be immediately tested without having to commit any code. However, release deployment strategies are left to be more ad hoc and manual (and thus error-prone) under this model, as well. For example, to tag and deploy a new release off of master, the following manual steps must be taken:

  1. The desired release commit is tagged, either locally or via the GitHub releases page.
  2. The dependencies.nix file for all NixOS configurations is modified to refer to the new tag, manifesting as a new commit on the head of master.
  3. ~/sources/anixpkgs/ is checked out to the commit from step 2 (not step 1, ironically). Any local dev changes need to be stashed.
  4. A nixos-rebuild command is run.

This RFC calls for a mature, stable OSCD pipeline that removes the need for the manual steps listed above while maintaining flexibility for rapid (and decoupled) on-machine development and testing.

Driving requirements

System-level requirements

  • [R1] OSCD shall be totally decoupled from development work; there shall be no possibility of one accidentally polluting the other.
  • [R2] OSCD shall be atomic such that an upgrade cannot be corrupted via a mismanagement or erroneous execution of steps.
  • [R3] OS release tagging shall be wholly executable within an anixpkgs pull request, and shall be entirely automated except for a manual specification of the level of release (e.g., major, minor, patch) that the pull request corresponds to.
  • [R4] An OS upgrade on-machine shall take no more than one step to complete.
  • [R5] The same upgrade mechanism from [SR4] shall enable rapid prototyping of active development branches.

Software-level requirements

  • [R1.1] Development within anixpkgs shall happen in a separate location from the symlinked ~/sources/anixpkgs directory, which shall be reserved for OS upgrades.
  • [R1.2] ~/sources/anixpkgs shall be read-only.
  • [R2.1] The release tagging process shall execute all required steps automatically, prompted by a single initiatory step, within the remote CD pipeline.
  • [R2.2] All automated steps for [R2.1] shall kick off only after a pull request merge into master, which is push-protected.
  • [R2.3] The OS upgrade process shall consist of an atomic source preparation step followed by an atomic rebuild step, both chained together automatically.
  • [R3.1] The tagging process from [R2.1] shall be initiated via adding labels to a pull request. No further action should be required.
  • [R4.1] OS upgrades shall be offered by a CLI tool that, with no arguments specified, will upgrade the system to the most recent anixpkgs release off of master.
  • [R4.2] The OS upgrade CLI tool shall perform rebuild switch by default, but allow for rebuild boot to be manually specified instead.
  • [R5.1] The OS upgrade CLI tool shall allow (via provided arguments) for an upgrade to any particular tag, branch, or commit within the remote anixpkgs repository.
  • [R5.2] The OS upgrade CLI tool shall allow for builds with packages local to the specified build target, and not necessarily tied to that target's prescribed release version.

Detailed design

The OSCD requirements are addressed with three components: an updated deployment pipeline within anixpkgs GitHub actions, an OS upgrade CLI tool, and a new policy for anixpkgs development and testing.

Deployment pipeline

Requirements [R2.1-2,3.1] are proposed to be fulfilled by adding three GitHub actions jobs with write permissions on master to the deployment workflow. Each of these three jobs will be responsible for either tagging a new major release, minor release, or patch release, and will be triggered by a corresponding pull request label on a merged pull request only.

Each of these jobs will consist of the following steps:

  1. Only execute if a merged pull request had the appropriate release label.
  2. Checkout anixpkgs master.
  3. Run a version increment script that increments the release version according to the release label.
  4. Commit the semantic version changes and tag that commit with the new semantic version string.
  5. Push the commit and corresponding tag to master.

The version increment script will simply take as an input the release increment type (major, minor, or patch) and increment accordingly:

  • (Major) x.y.z -> x+1.0.0
  • (Minor) x.y.z -> x.y+1.0
  • (Patch) x.y.z -> x.y.z+1

In the event of a pull request getting merged with multiple labels, the execution order of the release tag jobs will be major -> minor -> patch, such that each successive tag will be visible in the resulting semantic version. If the order were reversed, for example, a patch release increment would be obscured by a minor release increment, which would zero out the patch field.

OS upgrade CLI tool: anix-upgrade

One a new release has been properly and automatically tagged on anixpkgs remote, a CLI tool called anix-upgrade is proposed to upgrade the system to the latest tag in an automated and incorruptible (i.e., no need nor opportunity to manually modify code or any configurations during the process) fashion and fulfill [R1.2,2.3,4.1-2,5.1-2].

As implied by [R2.3], anix-upgrade will do two things:

  1. Prepare a read-only (and Git-less) version of anixpkgs in the ~/sources directory according to the exact version specified via arguments through the CLI.
  2. Rebuild the system configuration according to the updated source/configuration.

(1) may be naturally accomplished via a Nix derivation, which by definition must consist of a read-only (and reproducible) output with no tolerance for side effects from things like .git directories. The CLI tool will allow for (1) to be constructed from:

  • No argument at all, which will assume that the target source corresponds to the current head of anixpkgs master. This will be the way to perform standard, non-dev-prototyping upgrades.
  • An alternative release tag string or a development branch name (assumed to be at the head of that branch) or a commit hash.
  • An optional specification that the OS packages should be built from the local packages in that specific version of the anixpkgs source tree, and not necessarily from the prescribed release version of the packages.

Because Nix derivations cannot clone Git repositories, the Nix built-in tools fetchGit and fetchTarball must be used to fetch the exact right version of the source. In my experience, fetchGit does not consistently fetch the expected "head-of" commit when only a branch name is specified, so in this implementation fetchTarball is to be used for any version of (1) that does not specify the full commit hash. This is possible because of GitHub's feature where it allows for URL-based fetching of zipped source archives from tag names and branch names (reliably delivering the head-of commit in the latter case).

(2) is accomplished by aliasing to the nixos-rebuild command (exposing an optional flag to require a reboot for changes to take effect as per [R4.2]) and only executing once (1) has successfully completed.

Development policy changes

All-in-all, the above changes serve to reduce the cognitive load associated with releasing and deploying a new version of anixpkgs once development is complete. In the same vein, the above changes are best served by fulfilling [R1.1] as well, which moves anixpkgs development out of the ~/sources directory and into the ~/dev directory, consistent with development on individual repositories. While mostly a clerical change, there are a couple of implications:

  • The machines docs should be updated to modify instructions for setting up a new machine from scratch. The setup process may now be slightly more complicated on a one-time basis.
  • The ~/.devrc file on every development machine (see devshell) should be modified to set the pkgs_dir variable to the ~/dev/ location and not the ~/sources/ one. This is to preserve the ability to mutate attribute-based sources with the same level of flexibility as before.


The principal drawback of this design is the new requirement to commit OS prototype changes to GitHub when prototyping new OS versions via the specification of a remote tag, branch, or commit with the OS upgrade tool.


To address the slight OS prototyping drawback, an additional option may be added to anix-upgrade to point to a local anixpkgs source tree, which would symlink to the mutable source tree rather than an immutable nix derivation that pulls from GitHub.

Unresolved questions

  • Must OS upgrades always be manually triggered via anix-upgrade, or might it be fruitful to execute automatic upgrades in the future?
  • How may OSCD fruitfully apply to machine closures that import anixpkgs closures but specify their own configurations?

C++ Packages

Packages written in C++.


Templated, header-only implementations for SO(2), SE(2), SO(3), SE(3).


Operationally very similar to variations on Eigen's Quaternion<T> class, but with added chart maps and rules for addition and subtraction on tangent spaces. Meant to be used with nonlinear least-squares solvers like Ceres Solver which take advantage of templating to implement auto-differentiation on arbitrary mathematical formulations in code.

The SO(3) math is based on my notes on 3D rotation representations.

Including in Your Project With CMake

# ...

find_package(Eigen3 REQUIRED)
find_package(manif-geom-cpp REQUIRED)


# ...

target_link_libraries(target INTERFACE manif-geom-cpp)

Example Usage

Example usage of SO(3):

// action
SO3d     q = SO3d::random();
Vector3d v;

Vector3d qv1 = q * v;
Vector3d qv2 = q.R() * v;
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(qv1.x(), qv2.x(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(qv1.y(), qv2.y(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(qv1.z(), qv2.z(), 1e-8);

// inversion and composition
SO3d q1    = SO3d::random();
SO3d q2    = SO3d::random();
SO3d q2inv = q2.inverse();
SO3d q1p   = q1 * q2 * q2inv;

BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(q1.w(), q1p.w(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(q1.x(), q1p.x(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(q1.y(), q1p.y(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(q1.z(), q1p.z(), 1e-8);

// Euler conversions
Vector3d euler;
euler *= M_PI;
SO3d q  = SO3d::fromEuler(euler.x(), euler.y(), euler.z());
SO3d q2 = SO3d::fromEuler(q.roll(), q.pitch(), q.yaw());

BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(q.w(), q2.w(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(q.x(), q2.x(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(q.y(), q2.y(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(q.z(), q2.z(), 1e-8);

// plus / minus
SO3d     q1 = SO3d::random();
Vector3d q12;
SO3d     q2   = q1 + q12;
Vector3d q12p = q2 - q1;
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(q12.x(), q12p.x(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(q12.y(), q12p.y(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(q12.z(), q12p.z(), 1e-8);

// chart maps
SO3d     q = SO3d::random();
Vector3d w;
Vector3d qLog = SO3d::Log(q);
SO3d     q2   = SO3d::Exp(qLog);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(q.w(), q2.w(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(q.x(), q2.x(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(q.y(), q2.y(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(q.z(), q2.z(), 1e-8);

SO3d     wExp = SO3d::Exp(w);
Vector3d w2   = SO3d::Log(wExp);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(w.x(), w2.x(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(w.y(), w2.y(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(w.z(), w2.z(), 1e-8);

// scaling
SO3d qI  = SO3d::identity();
SO3d qIs = 5.0 * qI;
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(qIs.w(), qI.w(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(qIs.x(), qI.x(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(qIs.y(), qI.y(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(qIs.z(), qI.z(), 1e-8);

SO3d qr  = SO3d::random();
SO3d qr2 = qr * 0.2; // if scale is too big, then the rotation will
                    // wrap around the sphere, resulting in a reversed
                    // or truncated tangent vector which can't be inverted
                    // through scalar division
SO3d qr3 = qr2 / 0.2;
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(qr.w(), qr3.w(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(qr.x(), qr3.x(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(qr.y(), qr3.y(), 1e-8);
BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(qr.z(), qr3.z(), 1e-8);



Scalar term first:

$$\mathbf{R} \in SO(2) \triangleq \begin{bmatrix} q_w & q_x \end{bmatrix}.$$

$$\mathbf{R} \in SO(3) \triangleq \begin{bmatrix} q_w & q_x & q_y & q_z \end{bmatrix}.$$



$$\mathbf{q}_1 \otimes \mathbf{q}_2=[\mathbf{q}_1]_L\mathbf{q}_2=[\mathbf{q}_2]_R\mathbf{q}_1,$$

$$[\mathbf{q}]_L \triangleq \begin{bmatrix}q_w & -q_x & -q_y & -q_z \\ q_x & q_w & -q_z & q_y \\ q_y & q_z & q_w & -q_x \\ q_z & -q_y & q_x & q_w\end{bmatrix},$$

$$[\mathbf{q}]_R \triangleq \begin{bmatrix}q_w & -q_x & -q_y & -q_z \\ q_x & q_w & q_z & -q_y \\ q_y & -q_z & q_w & q_x \\ q_z & q_y & -q_x & q_w \end{bmatrix}.$$




Directionality and Perturbation

Body-to-world with local perturbations:

$$\mathbf{R}_B^W \oplus \tilde{\theta} \triangleq \mathbf{R}_B^W \text{Exp}\left(\tilde{\theta}\right).$$


C++ bindings for my custom APIs.


Useful template classes for creating multithreaded, interdependent microservices in C++.


Use cases pending.


C++ library and daemon for simulating quadrotor dynamics from PWM motor inputs.


Under construction.


C++ library with custom parameterizations and cost functions for the Ceres Solver.


Examples documented in the unit tests.

Articles/tutorials showcasing some of the custom cost functions and parameterizations:


Header-only templated C++ library implementing rigid-body dynamics, derivatives, integrals, and interpolation.


Examples documented in the unit tests.


Secure file deletion utility, written in C.


The deletion process is as follows:

  1. Overwrite the file with multiple passes. After each pass, the disk cache is flushed. The number of passes depends on the commanded mode:
  • (default / secure mode) 38 passes:
    • 1x overwrite with 0xff.
    • 5x random passes.
    • 27x overwrites with special values to make the recovery from MFM- and RLL-encoded hard disks hard to impossible.
    • 5x random passes.
  • (insecure mode) 2 passes:
    • 1x overwrite with 0xff.
    • 1x random pass.
  • (totally insecure mode) 1 pass:
    • 1x random pass.
  1. Truncate the file, so that an observer wouldn't know which diskblocks belonged to the file.
  2. Rename the file.
  3. Delete (unlink) the file.

In 1 second you can approximately overwrite 1 to 2 MB of data (on a hard disk).

In "totally insecure" mode, in 15 seconds you can approximately overwrite 100 MB of data. The same deletion takes about 60 minutes in totally secure mode.


secure-delete [-dflrvz] file1 file2 etc.

        -d  ignore the two dot special files "." and "..".
        -f  fast (and insecure mode): no /dev/urandom, no synchronize mode.
        -l  lessens the security (use twice for total insecure mode).
        -r  recursive mode, deletes all subdirectories.
        -v  is verbose mode.
        -z  last wipe writes zeros instead of random data.

Does a secure overwrite/rename/delete of the target file(s).
Default is secure mode (38 writes).


A C++ library for sporadic, incremental sorting with client-side comparators.



The main idea of this library is to take sorting algorithms like Quicksort and make them stateless across iterations. The sorting is performed within the "server" one step at a time where all the state information needed to perform the next step in the sort is passed in as an input from a "client." The client must keep track of this state and also perform the binary comparisons requested by the server at each step.

This non-traditional conception of sorting effectively allows a human to be placed in the middle of the sorting loop, dictating the atomic binary comparisons between elements in a sortable set. Since the outcomes of these comparisons dictate the final ordering of the elements from the sorting algorithm, this design provides a natural (and thorough) way for a person to topologically rank arbitrary sets of objects through the cognitively manageable task of successive binary choices of preference. The rankserver experiment is powered by this library.


A minimally-patched fork of Crow, a C++ webserver.

The patch allows one to dynamically specify where the website's assets directory is; a necessary feature for rankserver-cpp.


A portable webserver for RESTfully ranking files via binary manual comparisons.


Spins up a crowcpp webserver (on the specified port) whose purpose is to help a user rank files in the chosen data-dir directory via manual binary comparisons. The ranking is done via an incremental "RESTful" sorting strategy implemented within the sorting library. State is created and maintained within the data-dir directory so that the ranking exercise can pick back up where it left off between different spawnings of the server. At this point, only the ranking of .txt and .png files is possible; other file types in data-dir will be ignored.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

  -h [ --help ]         print usage
  -p [ --port ] arg     port to serve on (default: 4000)
  -d [ --data-dir ] arg data directory to process (default: ./data)


Simple CLI tool meant to analyze an image of a single person and print whether the person appears to be a male (m), female (f), or neither (n).


Uses vanilla OpenCV tools. Depending on the model, it can be pretty trigger-happy classifying genders even on inanimate objects, so for best results only use images of one person. Neural network model description and weights not included.


usage: mfn [Options] imgfile

  --model-proto arg     gender model description file
  --model-weights arg   gender model weights file
  --imgfile arg         image file to process


C++ implementation of a multi-threaded job manager for my OS.


Under construction

Rust Packages

Packages written in Rust.


Rust implementation of manif-geom-cpp (under construction).


TODO Once finished, these docs will contrast the API with manif-geom-cpp.


Daemon for the Neato XV LiDAR (not quite finished).

Written in Rust. Repository

Currently the program will simply continuously print out 2D point cloud data to the console. I plan to instead have it stream gRPC 2D point cloud messages (defined in aapis) to a mscpp-based daemon for real-time pose estimation over SE(2).

Usage (Auto-Generated)

XV LiDAR Interface Daemon

Usage: xv-lidar-rs [OPTIONS]

  -d, --device <DEVICE>  Device name [default: /dev/ttyACM0]
  -h, --help             Print help information
  -V, --version          Print version information


File scrambler.

Written in Rust. Repository

Usage (Auto-Generated)

Make some scrambled eggs

Usage: sunnyside --target <TARGET> --shift <SHIFT> --key <KEY>

  -t, --target <TARGET>  File target
  -s, --shift <SHIFT>    Shift amount
  -k, --key <KEY>        Scramble key
  -h, --help             Print help
  -V, --version          Print version

Python Packages

Packages written (or bound) in Python.


Python bindings for my custom APIs.


Four-quadrant tasking.

This little CLI tool will suggest classes of activities to do based on configured priorities and preferences.

Example config file:

Framework Learning:25
Programming Projects:25
The Arts:10

Usage (Auto-Generated)

Usage: fqt [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Four-quadrants tasking tools.

  --config-file PATH  Path to the config file.  [default: ~/fqt/config]
  --log-file PATH     Path to the log file.  [default: ~/fqt/log]
  --help              Show this message and exit.

  analyze  Analyze past task performance.
  task     Propose a task for the day.


Find rotational conventions of a Python transform library.


Conventions are defined in my notes on rotations. Example deduction of conventions used in the geometry library:

from find_rotational_conventions import (                                
import numpy as np                                                       
from typing import Tuple                                                 
from geometry import SO3 #           
LIBNAME = "manif-geom-cpp/geometry" # Library being tested               
def euler2R(arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) -> np.ndarray:        
    return SO3.fromEuler(arg1, arg2, arg3).R()                           
def axisAngle2R(axis: np.ndarray, angle: float) -> np.ndarray:           
    return SO3.fromAxisAngle(axis, angle).R()                            
def quat2R(q1: float, q2: float, q3: float, q4: float) -> np.ndarray:    
    return SO3.fromQuat(q1, q2, q3, q4).R()                              
def quatComp(                                                            
    q1: Tuple[float, float, float, float],                               
    q2: Tuple[float, float, float, float]                                
) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]:                                  
    q = SO3.fromQuat(*q1) * SO3.fromQuat(*q2)                            
    return (q.w(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z())                                  
find_axis_angle_conventions(LIBNAME, axisAngle2R)                        
find_euler_conventions(LIBNAME, euler2R)                                 
find_quaternion_conventions(LIBNAME, quat2R, quatComp)

Yields the output:

Axis-Angle Conventions for manif-geom-cpp/geometry:

    Rodrigues Directionality: Body-to-World

Euler Angle Conventions for manif-geom-cpp/geometry:

    Euler Argument Order: ['x', 'y', 'z']
    Euler Matrix Order:   R = R(z)R(y)R(x)
    Euler Directionality: Body-to-World

Quaternion Conventions for manif-geom-cpp/geometry:

    Quaternion Ordering:       Scalar First
    Quaternion Handedness:     Right-Handed
    Quaternion Function:       Passive
    Quaternion Directionality: Body-to-World

Usage (Auto-Generated)

NOTE: You're running standalone, but it's most useful as an import to deduce the rotational conventions of the particular library that you're using.

Running an example from the following source code:
========= |=================================================================
=========                                                                |
from find_rotational_conventions import (                                |
    find_euler_conventions,                                              |
    find_axis_angle_conventions,                                         |
    find_quaternion_conventions,                                         |
)                                                                        |
import numpy as np                                                       |
from typing import Tuple                                                 |
from geometry import SO3 #           |
LIBNAME = "manif-geom-cpp/geometry" # Library being tested               |
def euler2R(arg1: float, arg2: float, arg3: float) -> np.ndarray:        |
    return SO3.fromEuler(arg1, arg2, arg3).R()                           |
def axisAngle2R(axis: np.ndarray, angle: float) -> np.ndarray:           |
    return SO3.fromAxisAngle(axis, angle).R()                            |
def quat2R(q1: float, q2: float, q3: float, q4: float) -> np.ndarray:    |
    return SO3.fromQuat(q1, q2, q3, q4).R()                              |
def quatComp(                                                            |
    q1: Tuple[float, float, float, float],                               |
    q2: Tuple[float, float, float, float]                                |
) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]:                                  |
    q = SO3.fromQuat(*q1) * SO3.fromQuat(*q2)                            |
    return (q.w(), q.x(), q.y(), q.z())                                  |
find_axis_angle_conventions(LIBNAME, axisAngle2R)                        |
find_euler_conventions(LIBNAME, euler2R)                                 |
find_quaternion_conventions(LIBNAME, quat2R, quatComp)                   |

With output:

Axis-Angle Conventions for manif-geom-cpp/geometry:

    Rodrigues Directionality: Body-to-World

Euler Angle Conventions for manif-geom-cpp/geometry:

    Euler Argument Order: ['x', 'y', 'z']
    Euler Matrix Order:   R = R(z)R(y)R(x)
    Euler Directionality: Body-to-World

Quaternion Conventions for manif-geom-cpp/geometry:

    Quaternion Ordering:       Scalar First
    Quaternion Handedness:     Right-Handed
    Quaternion Function:       Passive
    Quaternion Directionality: Body-to-World


Implementations for SO(3) and SE(3).


Python-wrapped version of the C++ manif-geom-cpp library.

Example Usage

Example usage of SO3:

# action
q = SO3.random()
v = np.random.random(3)
qv1 = q * v
qv2 = q.R().dot(v)
assert np.allclose(qv1, qv2)

# inversion and composition
qI = SO3.identity()
q1 = SO3.random()
q1i = q1.inverse()
q1I = q1 * q1i
assert np.allclose(qI.array(), q1I.array())

# Euler conversions
roll = -1.2
pitch = 0.6
yaw = -0.4
q = SO3.fromEuler(roll, pitch, yaw)
rpy = q.toEuler()
assert np.isclose(roll, rpy[0]) and np.isclose(pitch, rpy[1]) and np.isclose(yaw, rpy[2])

# plus / minus
R1 = SO3.random()
w = np.array([0.5, 0.2, 0.1])
R2 = R1 + w
w2 = R2 - R1
assert np.allclose(w, w2)

# chart maps
q = SO3.random()
w = np.random.random(3)
qlog = SO3.Log(q)
q2 = SO3.Exp(qlog)
assert np.allclose(q.array(), q2.array())
wexp = SO3.Exp(w)
w2 = SO3.Log(wexp)
assert np.allclose(w, w2)

# scaling
qI = SO3.identity()
qIs = 5.0 * qI
assert np.allclose(qI.array(), qIs.array())
qr = SO3.random()
qr2 = qr * 0.2
qr3 = qr2 / 0.2
assert np.allclose(qr.array(), qr3.array())


Python bindings for the Ceres Solver.

Tutorial on how to use the library in conjunction with pyceres_factors and geometry.


Python bindings of ceres-factors.


Tutorial on how to use the library in conjunction with pyceres and geometry.


RESTful incremental sorting with client-side comparators.


This library is a Python-wrapped version of the C++ sorting library. As such, it is meant to be used in conjunction with a client that can solicit answers to binary comparisons for the purpose of incremental sorting.

Example usage in a Python script:

# key-value pairs to be sorted by values
values = {0: 4.8, 1: 10.0, 2: 1.0, 3: 2.5, 4: 5.0}

state = QuickSortState()
state.n = 5
state.arr = [i for i in values.keys()]
state.stack = [0 for i in range(state.n)]
# validateState(state)

# proxy for user choices from some client; this will simply choose the larger
# value, resulting in an ascending sort
def updateComparator(a, b):
    if a < b:
        return int(ComparatorResult.LEFT_LESS)
    elif a > b:
        return int(ComparatorResult.LEFT_GREATER)
        return int(ComparatorResult.LEFT_EQUAL)
# simulate user choices until the list is sorted
iter = 0
maxIters = 50
while not ( == UINT32_MAX and state.c != 0) and iter < maxIters:
    iter_success, state_out = restfulQuickSort(state)
    state = state_out
    if state.l == int(ComparatorLeft.I):
        state.c = updateComparator(values[state.arr[state.i]], values[state.arr[state.p]])
    elif state.l == int(ComparatorLeft.J):
        state.c = updateComparator(values[state.arr[state.j]], values[state.arr[state.p]])
    iter += 1
# sorted keys
# state.arr == [2, 3, 0, 4, 1]


Generate a nix-shell file for Python development.


Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: makepyshell [-h] [--nix-path NIX_PATH]
                   [--modules MODULES [MODULES ...]]

Generate a nix-shell file (shell.nix) for Python 3.9 development.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --nix-path NIX_PATH   Nix source path. (default: nixpkgs)
  --modules MODULES [MODULES ...]
                        Python modules for development. (default: [])


Scrape content off the internet, quickly.


This is a simple tool that assumes you want to download files from a straightforwardly-constructed HTML page. You'll need an XPath specification to help narrow down the scraping.

Resource files for testing scrape:








sample_640x360 (mp4)

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: scrape [-h] [--xpath XPATH] [--ext EXT] [-o DIRNAME]
              {simple-link-scraper,simple-image-scraper} page

Scrape content off the internet, quickly.

positional arguments:
                        The type of content to be scraped.
  page                  Webpage url.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --xpath XPATH         Optionally specify the XPath
  --ext EXT             Optionally specify the file extension
  -o DIRNAME, --output DIRNAME
                        Output directory.


Python bindings of signals-cpp.



Tools for plotting transforms and line meshes in Python.


Example usage:

import numpy as np
from geometry import SO3, SE3
from mesh_plotter.meshes import Axes3DMesh
from mesh_plotter.animator_3d import Animator3D

times = [0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0]

se3_1 = SE3.identity()
se3_2 = SE3.fromVecAndQuat(np.array([2.0,0.0,0.0]),
se3_3 = SE3.fromVecAndQuat(np.array([-1.5,-1.5,1.5]),

transforms1 = [se3_1]*4
transforms2 = [se3_2]*4
transforms3 = [se3_3]*4
transforms  = [se3_1, se3_2, se3_3, se3_1]

animator = Animator3D(xlim=(-2.5,2.5), ylim=(-2.5,2.5), zlim=(0.,2.))
animator.addMeshSequence(Axes3DMesh(scale=0.4), transforms1, times)
animator.addMeshSequence(Axes3DMesh(scale=0.4), transforms2, times)
animator.addMeshSequence(Axes3DMesh(scale=0.4), transforms3, times)
animator.addMeshSequence(Axes3DMesh(), transforms, times)
animator.animate(dt = 0.1)


Daemon + CLI for managing select background tasks on my computer.


Work in progress. Detailed description to come.


Assorted Python tools for semi-automated processing of GMail messages.


This package may be used either in CLI form or via an interactive Python shell.

Interactive Shell

Import with

from gmail_parser.corpus import GMailCorpus

Deleting promotions and social network emails:

inbox = GMailCorpus('').Inbox(1000)
inbox = GMailCorpus('').Inbox(1000)

Get all senders of unread emails:

unread = inbox.fromUnread()

Read all unread emails from specific senders:

msgs = unread.fromSenders(['', '']).getMessages()
for msg in msgs:

Mark an entire sub-inbox as read:


Usage (Auto-Generated)

Usage: gmail-manager [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage GMail.

  --gmail-secrets-json PATH    GMail client secrets file.  [default:
  --gmail-refresh-file PATH    GMail refresh file (if it exists).  [default:
  --gbot-refresh-file PATH     GBot refresh file (if it exists).  [default:
  --journal-refresh-file PATH  Journal refresh file (if it exists).  [default:
  --enable-logging BOOLEAN     Whether to enable logging.  [default: False]
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

  clean         Clean out promotions and social emails.
  gbot-send     Send an email from GBot.
  journal-send  Send an email from Journal.
  send          Send an email.

Usage: gmail-manager clean [OPTIONS]

  Clean out promotions and social emails.

  --num-messages INTEGER  Number of messages to poll before cleaning.
                          [default: 1000]
  --help                  Show this message and exit.

Usage: gmail-manager send [OPTIONS] RECIPIENT SUBJECT BODY

  Send an email.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

Usage: gmail-manager gbot-send [OPTIONS] RECIPIENT SUBJECT BODY

  Send an email from GBot.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

Usage: gmail-manager journal-send [OPTIONS] RECIPIENT SUBJECT BODY

  Send an email from Journal.

  --help  Show this message and exit.


Simulate traffic.


Simple traffic simulator on a circular road. Cars have two control objectives: maintain a consistent distance between cars and maintain a consistent car speed.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: trafficsim [-h] [--num_cars NUM_CARS] [--vel_des VEL_DES]
                  [--vel_max VEL_MAX] [--beta_mu BETA_MU]
                  [--beta_sigma BETA_SIGMA] [--gamma_mu GAMMA_MU]
                  [--gamma_sigma GAMMA_SIGMA]
                  [--vel_col_thresh VEL_COL_THRESH]
                  [--pos_col_thresh POS_COL_THRESH]

Simple traffic simulator on a circular road.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --num_cars NUM_CARS   Number of cars to simulate. (default: 7)
  --vel_des VEL_DES     Desired car velocity. (default: 1.0)
  --vel_max VEL_MAX     Maximum allowed car velocity. (default: 1.5)
  --beta_mu BETA_MU     Mean proportional gain. (default: 0.5)
  --beta_sigma BETA_SIGMA
                        Proportional gain standard deviation. (default: 0.5)
  --gamma_mu GAMMA_MU   Mean derivative gain. (default: 0.5)
  --gamma_sigma GAMMA_SIGMA
                        Derivative gain standard deviation. (default: 0.5)
  --vel_col_thresh VEL_COL_THRESH
                        Distance threshold for slowing down. (default: 0.3)
  --pos_col_thresh POS_COL_THRESH
                        Distance threshold for collision avoidance (default:


Spawn a trivial website, powered by Python's flask library.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: flask_hello_world [-h] [--port PORT]

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --port PORT  Port to run the server on


Convert URL's pointing to videos to MP4's, powered by Python's flask library.

The server page takes a URL string and either uses wget or youtube-dl to download the video and convert it to MP4 using the mp4 tool.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: flask_url2mp4 [-h] [--port PORT]

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --port PORT  Port to run the server on


Spawn an MP4 conversion server, powered by Python's flask library.

The server page takes an input video file and converts it to an MP4 using the mp4 tool.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: flask_mp4server [-h] [--port PORT]

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --port PORT  Port to run the server on


Spawn an MP3 conversion server, powered by Python's flask library.

The server page takes an input audio file and converts it to an MP3 using the mp3 tool. One can also specify a frequency transpose in terms of positive or negative half-steps.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: flask_mp3server [-h] [--port PORT]

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --port PORT  Port to run the server on


Spawn an SMF "simple music file" conversion server, powered by Python's flask library.

The server page presents a text input area where you can type a song as specified by the simplified SMF music specification language:

  • Notes are typed as letters with spaces between them.
  • All notes are assumed to be the 4th octave unless a number is given after the letter.
  • All notes are assumed to be quarter notes unless a number (multiplier) is given before the letter (or group of letters):
    • /3
    • /2
    • 2
    • 4
  • Accidentals are typed immediately after a letter:
    • ^ = sharp
    • _ = flat
  • The dash (-) means a rest. Use it like a letter.
  • Multiple letters in a group form a chord.
  • Begin a line with a number and colon (e.g., 1:) to specify a unique voice.

Under the hood, conversions to MP3 are done using the abc and mp3 tools.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: flask_smfserver [-h] [--port PORT]

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --port PORT  Port to run the server on


"One at a time" (O.A.T.) Box. Store one file at a time, powered by Python's flask library.

This tool gives you a method to store, extract, and replace files (again, one at a time) in the directory from which the tool is run.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: flask_oatbox [-h] [--port PORT]

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --port PORT  Port to run the server on


A portable webserver for ranking files via binary manual comparisons, powered by Python's flask library.

Spins up a flask webserver (on the specified port) whose purpose is to help a user rank files in the chosen data-dir directory via manual binary comparisons. The ranking is done via an incremental "RESTful" sorting strategy implemented within the pysorting library. State is created and maintained within the data-dir directory so that the ranking exercise can pick back up where it left off between different spawnings of the server. At this point, only the ranking of .txt and .png files is possible; other file types in data-dir will be ignored.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: rankserver [-h] [--port PORT] [--data-dir DATA_DIR]

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --port PORT          Port to run the server on
  --data-dir DATA_DIR  Directory containing the rankable elements


Provides an interface for stamping metadata on PNGs and MP4s.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: stampserver [-h] [--port PORT] [--data-dir DATA_DIR]

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --port PORT          Port to run the server on
  --data-dir DATA_DIR  Directory containing the stampable elements


Convenience library for abstracting away Google API authorization protocols for my various Python libraries that use it.


Used as the authorization source for:


CLI tools for managing Google Tasks.


Usage (Auto-Generated)

Usage: task-tools [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage Google Tasks.

  --task-secrets-file PATH   Google Tasks client secrets file.  [default:
  --task-refresh-token PATH  Google Tasks refresh file (if it exists).
                             [default: ~/secrets/google/refresh.json]
  --task-list-id TEXT        UUID of the Task List to query.  [default:
  --enable-logging BOOLEAN   Whether to enable logging.  [default: False]
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

  clean   Delete / clean up failed timed tasks.
  delete  Delete a particular task by UUID.
  grader  Generate a CSV report of how consistently tasks have been...
  list    List pending tasks according to a filter ∈ [all, p0, p1, p2,...
  put     Upload a task.

Usage: task-tools list [OPTIONS] FILTER

  List pending tasks according to a filter ∈ [all, p0, p1, p2, p3, late,

  --date [%Y-%m-%d]  Maximum due date for filtering tasks.  [default:
  --no-ids           Don't show the UUIDs.
  --help             Show this message and exit.

Usage: task-tools delete [OPTIONS] TASK_ID

  Delete a particular task by UUID.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

Usage: task-tools put [OPTIONS]

  Upload a task.

  --name TEXT        Name of the task.  [required]
  --notes TEXT       Notes to add to the task description.
  --date [%Y-%m-%d]  Task due date.  [default: 2024-09-02]
  --help             Show this message and exit.

Usage: task-tools grader [OPTIONS]

  Generate a CSV report of how consistently tasks have been completed within
  the specified window.

  Grading criteria:

  - P0: ... tasks must be completed same day.

  - P1: ... tasks must be completed within a week.

  - P2: ... tasks must be completed within a month.

  - P3: ... tasks must be completed within 90 days.

  Deletion / failure criteria:

  - P[0-3]: [T] ... tasks that have not be completed within the appropriate

  P0 manually generated tasks will be migrated to the current day.

  --start-date [%Y-%m-%d]  First day of the grading window.  [default:
  --end-date [%Y-%m-%d]    Last day of the grading window.  [default:
  -o, --out PATH           CSV file to generate the report in.  [default:
  --dry-run                Do a dry run; no task deletions.
  --help                   Show this message and exit.


CLI tools for managing Google Photos.


For your photos management, follow these steps:

  1. Favorite only the media that you would like to "thin out"
  2. On a computer with space, run the clean method
  3. Move the whole Favorites directory to the trash

Usage (Auto-Generated)

Usage: photos-tools [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage Google Photos.

  --photos-secrets-file PATH   Google Photos client secrets file.  [default:
  --photos-refresh-token PATH  Google Photos refresh file (if it exists).
                               [default: ~/secrets/google/refresh.json]
  --enable-logging BOOLEAN     Whether to enable logging.  [default: False]
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

  clean  Download favorited photos so that you can later delete them from...

Usage: photos-tools clean [OPTIONS]

  Download favorited photos so that you can later delete them from the cloud.

  --output-dir PATH  Directory to download the media to.
  --dry-run          Dry run only.
  --help             Show this message and exit.


CLI tools for managing my wiki notes site.


Usage (Auto-Generated)

Usage: wiki-tools [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Read and edit DokuWiki instance pages.

  --url TEXT                URL of the DokuWiki instance (https).  [default:
  --secrets-file PATH       Path to the DokuWiki login secrets JSON file.
                            [default: ~/secrets/wiki/secrets.json]
  --enable-logging BOOLEAN  Whether to enable logging.  [default: False]
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

  get               Read the content of a DokuWiki page.
  get-md            Read the content of a DokuWiki page in Markdown format.
  get-rand-journal  Get a random journal entry between 2013 and now.
  put               Put content onto a DokuWiki page.
  put-dir           Put a directory of pages into a DokuWiki namespace.
  put-md            Put Markdown content onto a DokuWiki page.
  put-md-dir        Put a directory of Markdown pages into a DokuWiki...

Usage: wiki-tools get [OPTIONS]

  Read the content of a DokuWiki page.

  --page-id TEXT  ID of the DokuWiki page.  [required]
  --output TEXT   Output text file name. Will print to terminal if not
  --help          Show this message and exit.

Usage: wiki-tools get-md [OPTIONS]

  Read the content of a DokuWiki page in Markdown format.

  --page-id TEXT  ID of the DokuWiki page.  [required]
  --output TEXT   Output Markdown file name. Will print to terminal if not
  --help          Show this message and exit.

Usage: wiki-tools get-rand-journal [OPTIONS]

  Get a random journal entry between 2013 and now.

  --namespace TEXT  Journal pages namespace.  [default: journals]
  --output TEXT     Output text file name. Will print to terminal if not
  --help            Show this message and exit.

Usage: wiki-tools put [OPTIONS]

  Put content onto a DokuWiki page.

  --page-id TEXT  ID of the DokuWiki page.  [required]
  --file PATH     File containing the target content.
  --content TEXT  Content to put on the page if file is not specified. NOTE:
                  This argument is mutually exclusive with content_file
  --help          Show this message and exit.

Usage: wiki-tools put-dir [OPTIONS]

  Put a directory of pages into a DokuWiki namespace.

  --pages-dir DIRECTORY  Directory with .txt pages to upload.  [required]
  --namespace TEXT       Namespace to upload the pages to.  [required]
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

Usage: wiki-tools put-md [OPTIONS]

  Put Markdown content onto a DokuWiki page.

  --page-id TEXT  ID of the DokuWiki page.  [required]
  --file PATH     Markdown file containing the target content.
  --content TEXT  Markdown content to put on the page if file is not
                  specified. NOTE: This argument is mutually exclusive with
  --help          Show this message and exit.

Usage: wiki-tools put-md-dir [OPTIONS]

  Put a directory of Markdown pages into a DokuWiki namespace.

  --pages-dir DIRECTORY  Directory with .txt pages to upload.  [required]
  --namespace TEXT       Namespace to upload the pages to.  [required]
  --help                 Show this message and exit.


Utility for syncing Google Play Books notes with my personal wiki.


Usage (Auto-Generated)

Usage: book-notes-sync [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Synchronize Google Docs book notes with corresponding DokuWiki notes.

  --docs-secrets-file PATH   Google Docs client secrets file.  [default:
  --docs-refresh-token PATH  Google Docs refresh file (if it exists).
                             [default: ~/secrets/google/refresh.json]
  --wiki-url TEXT            URL of the DokuWiki instance (https).  [default:
  --wiki-secrets-file TEXT   Path to the DokuWiki login secrets JSON file.
                             [default: ~/secrets/wiki/secrets.json]
  --enable-logging BOOLEAN   Whether to enable logging.  [default: True]
  --help                     Show this message and exit.

  sync           Sync a single Google Doc with a single DokuWiki page.
  sync-from-csv  Sync a list of Google Docs with DokuWiki pages from a CSV.

Usage: book-notes-sync sync [OPTIONS]

  Sync a single Google Doc with a single DokuWiki page.

  --docs-id TEXT  Document ID of the Google Doc.  [required]
  --page-id TEXT  ID of the DokuWiki page.  [required]
  --help          Show this message and exit.

Usage: book-notes-sync sync-from-csv [OPTIONS]

  Sync a list of Google Docs with DokuWiki pages from a CSV.

  --sync-csv PATH  CSV specifying (docs-id, page-id) pairs.  [default:
  --help           Show this message and exit.


Manage mail for GBot and Journal.

The following workflows are supported, all via text messaging:

GBot (

  • Calorie counts via a solo number (e.g., 100)
  • Tasks via the keywords P[0-3]:
    • P0 = "Must do today"
    • P1 = "Must do within a week"
    • P2 = "Must do within a month"
    • P3 = "Should do eventually"
  • Keyword matchers for routing to specific Wiki pages, which are configurable via a CSV file passed to the bot command:
    • KEYWORD: [P0-1:] ...
    • Sort KEYWORD. [P0-1:] ...
  • ITNS additions via any other pattern

Journal (

  • Any pattern will be added to the journal according to the date in which the message was sent unless prepended by the string mm/dd/yyyy:.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

Usage: goromail [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage the mail for GBot and Journal.

  --gmail-secrets-json PATH    GMail client secrets file.  [default:
  --gbot-refresh-file PATH     GBot refresh file (if it exists).  [default:
  --journal-refresh-file PATH  Journal refresh file (if it exists).  [default:
  --num-messages INTEGER       Number of messages to poll for GBot and Journal
                               (each).  [default: 1000]
  --wiki-url TEXT              URL of the DokuWiki instance (https).
  --wiki-secrets-file PATH     Path to the DokuWiki login secrets JSON file.
                               [default: ~/secrets/wiki/secrets.json]
  --task-secrets-file PATH     Google Tasks client secrets file.  [default:
  --notion-secrets-file PATH   Notion client secrets file.  [default:
  --task-refresh-token PATH    Google Tasks refresh file (if it exists).
                               [default: ~/secrets/google/refresh.json]
  --enable-logging BOOLEAN     Whether to enable logging.  [default: False]
  --headless                   Whether to run in headless (i.e., server) mode.
  --headless-logdir PATH       Directory in which to store log files for
                               headless mode.  [default: ~/goromail]
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

  bot      Process all pending bot commands.
  journal  Process all pending journal entries.

Usage: goromail bot [OPTIONS]

  Process all pending bot commands.

  --categories-csv PATH  CSV that maps keywords to wiki pages.  [default:
  --dry-run              Do a dry run; no message deletions.
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

Usage: goromail journal [OPTIONS]

  Process all pending journal entries.

  --dry-run  Do a dry run; no message deletions.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

Bash Packages

Packages written (or glued together) in Bash.


Interact with gRPC servers using custom APIs.

A wrapped version of the grpcurl tool that points to my custom API definitions.

Since I use gRPC for inter-process communication for most simulated robot platform personal projects, this is a useful CLI tool for debugging.


Run a SITL instance of ardupilot from source.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: aptest [options] path_to_ardupilot

Run a SITL instance of ardupilot from source.

  -f|--frame     Copter frame to simulate [default: heli]


Manage secrets.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

Usage: authm [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Manage secrets.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  refresh   Refresh all auth tokens one-by-one.
  validate  Validate the secrets files present on the filesystem.

Usage: authm refresh [OPTIONS]

  Refresh all auth tokens one-by-one.

  --headless  Run in headless mode.
  --force     Force the auth files to be re-written.
  --help      Show this message and exit.

Usage: authm validate [OPTIONS]

  Validate the secrets files present on the filesystem.

  --help  Show this message and exit.


Generate abc music files from similar formats.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: abc inputfile outputfile

Create an abc file.



Get the screen resolution of this computer.

usage: getres [opts]

Get the screen resolution of this computer.

  -v|--verbose   Print diagnostic information
  --no-fail      Fall back to a reasonable default resolution if this
                 computer's resolution can't be deduced


Generate (or modify) an MP3 file from similar formats.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: mp3 inputfile outputfile

Create a mp3 file.


    --transpose [+- # HALF STEPS]
        Powered by


Generate and edit MP4 video files using ffmpeg.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: mp4 inputfile outputfile

Create a mp4 file.


    -v | --verbose               Print verbose output from ffmpeg
    -m | --mute                  Remove audio
    -q | --quality CHAR          - for low, = for medium, + for high bit rate quality
    -w | --width WIDTH           Constrain the video width (pixels)
    -l | --label "STR"           Add label to bottom left corner of video
    -f | --fontsize INT          Font size for added text
    -c | --crop INT:INT:INT:INT  Crop video (pre-labeling) W:H:X:Y
    -s | --start TIME            INITIAL time: [HH:]MM:SS[.0]
    -e | --end TIME              FINAL time: [HH:]MM:SS[.0]


Generate PNG images from a variety of similar formats.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: png inputfile outputfile

Create a png file.


    -r|--resize [e.g., 50%]  Resize the image.
    -s|--scrub               Scrub image metadata.


Generate and edit SVG files from a variety of source formats.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: svg inputfile outputfile

Create an svg file.


    --crop    | svg [x] abc [ ] pdf [x]
    --rmtext  | svg [x] abc [ ] pdf [x]
    --poppler | svg [x] abc [ ] pdf [x]
    --scour   | svg [x] abc [x] pdf [x]
    --rmwhite | svg [x] abc [x] pdf [x]


Color-formatted wrapped echo commands.

ANSI color codes referenced from Wikipedia.

  • echo_black
  • echo_red
  • echo_green
  • echo_yellow
  • echo_blue
  • echo_magenta
  • echo_cyan
  • echo_white


Split directories into smaller ones.

usage: dirgroups num_groups dir
       dirgroups --of group_size dir

Split a large directory of files into smaller directories with evenly distributed files (not counting remainders). 


Gather all files in a directory tree into a single directory.

usage: dirgather [options] rootdir gatherdir

Recursively take all files in rootdir's tree and gather them in a new gatherdir. Subsequently, clean up all empty directories in rootdir.

  --dry-run      Perform a dry run


Interactively manage your GMail inbox from the command line.

Powered by gmail-parser.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: manage-gmail

Enter an interactive shell for managing a GMail inbox.


    [Deleting promotions and social network emails]
    >> baseInbox = GMailCorpus('').Inbox(1000)
    >> baseInbox.clean()
    >> baseInbox = GMailCorpus('').Inbox(1000)

    [Get all senders of unread emails]

    >> unreadInbox = baseInbox.fromUnread()
    >> print(unreadInbox.getSenders())

    [Read all unread emails from specific senders]

    >> msgs = unreadInbox.fromSenders(['', '']).getMessages()
    >> for msg in msgs:
    >>   print(msg.getText())

    [Mark an entire sub-inbox as read]

    >> subInbox.markAllAsRead()


Generate Gantt charts from text files.

usage: gantter specfile

Create a Gantt-based dependency chart for tasks, laid out by the specfile.
Example specfile contents:
1>> Coverage Planner
1.1>> Learn interface for outer loop
1.2>> [[1.1]] ((2)) Connect Lab 4 code with outer loop
1.3>> [[2.1]] [[3.1]] ((3)) Waiting for SLAM

2>> SLAM Algorithm
2.1>> Something

3>> System-Level Evaluation
3.1>> Another thing
Double brackets [[]] indicate dependencies and double parentheses (()) 
indicate estimated time units required (assumes 1 if none given).

REQUIRES pdflatex to be in your system path (not interested in shipping 
texlive-full in its entirety with this little tool).


Spawn a LA geography quiz.

usage: la-quiz [options] [N|C|E|S]

Spawn a LA geography quiz! Will pull up the general region you specify:

    N = North
    C = Central
    E = East
    S = South


--debug|-d    Open in debug mode (will print click positions to the screen).

NOTE: This program assumes that you have the place location JSON files stored in



Generate a budget report.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

Usage: budget_report [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Tools for Budget Management.

  --secrets-json PATH       Client secrets file.  [default:
  --refresh-file PATH       Refresh file (if it exists).  [default:
  --config-json PATH        Budget tool config file.  [default:
  --enable-logging BOOLEAN  Whether to enable logging.  [default: False]
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

  transactions-bin      Bin all transactions from a category sheet.
  transactions-process  Process raw transactions.
  transactions-status   Get the status of raw transactions.
  transactions-upload   Upload missing raw transactions to the budget sheet.

Usage: budget_report transactions-process [OPTIONS]

  Process raw transactions.

  --dry-run  Activate dry run mode.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

Usage: budget_report transactions-status [OPTIONS]

  Get the status of raw transactions.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

Usage: budget_report transactions-upload [OPTIONS]

  Upload missing raw transactions to the budget sheet.

  --raw-csv PATH  Raw CSV file with transactions.  [required]
  --account TEXT  Account type from the config file.  [required]
  --dry-run       Activate dry run mode.
  --help          Show this message and exit.

Usage: budget_report transactions-bin [OPTIONS]

  Bin all transactions from a category sheet.

  --category TEXT  Category from the Config sheet.  [required]
  --help           Show this message and exit.


Convert Markdown files into formatted PDF files, powered by LaTeX.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: md2pdf output.pdf

Use LaTeX to convert a markdown file into a formatted pdf.


Make any PDF document suitable for note taking in e.g., Notability.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: notabilify input.pdf output.pdf

Takes a portrait PDF file and adds a large blank space to the right of every page for taking notes.


Recursively claim ownership of all files and folders in dir.

usage: fix-perms dir

Attempts to deduce special cases such as ~/.ssh/*.


Print decorated titles.

usage: make-title [options] title

Prints out a decorated title.

-h | --help     Print out the help documentation.
-c | --color    One of [black|red|green|yellow|blue|magenta|cyan|white].

title           word or phrase making up the title


$ make-title "Hello, World"
===== Hello, World =====


Print out a progress bar.

usage: pb [options] iternum itertot

Prints a progress bar.

-h | --help     Print out the help documentation.
-b | --barsize  Dictate the total progress bar length in chars (Default: 20).
-c | --color    One of [black|red|green|yellow|blue|magenta|cyan|white].

iternum: current iteration number
itertot: number of total iterations

Example usage:

while [ \$N -le \$T ]; do
    pb \$N \$T
    sleep 1


Generate pretty-printed PDF files from source code files.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: code2pdf infile output.pdf

Convert plain text code infile to color-coded pdf outfile.

Recursive search example for C++ files:
for f in $(find . -name '*.cpp' -or -name '*.h'); do code2pdf $f $f.pdf; done


Convenience tools for setting up C++ projects.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: cpp-helper [options]

    make       TARGET|all   Full CMake build command (run from repo root)
    challenge  TARGET|all   Full CMake build command WITH SANITIZERS
                            (run from repo root)
    format-file             Dumps a format rules file into .clang-format
    nix                     Dump template shell.nix file
    exec-lib   CPPNAME      Generate a lib+exec package template
    header-lib CPPNAME      Generate a header-only library template
    vscode                  Generate VSCode C++ header detection settings file
                            (Run inside a Nix dev environment)


Developer tools for creating Python packages.

usage: py-helper [options]

--make-pkg        NAME         Generate a template python package
--make-pybind-lib NAME,CPPNAME Generate a pybind package wrapping a header-only library
--make-nix                     Dump template default.nix and shell.nix files


Convenience tools for setting up Rust projects.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: rust-helper [options]

    dev                         Drop directly into a Rust development shell
    nix                         Dump template shell.nix file
    vscode DEFAULT[:OTHER:ENV]  Generate VSCode settings file for rust-analyzer
                                (Run inside a Nix dev environment)


Unite mp4 files, much like with the pdfunite tool.

usage: mp4unite [options] <MP4-sourcefile-1>..<MP4-sourcefile-n> <MP4-destfile>

Combine MP4 source files into a single destination MP4 file.

-h | --help     Print out the help documentation.
-v | --verbose  Print verbose output from ffmpeg


Create a carbon copy of a Git repo, but with Git removed.

usage: git-cc repo_dir des_dir

Recursively backup a git repository (and its submodules) to a new, git-less source tree.
Effectively wraps up an arbitrarily complex git repo into a flat-packaged mass of code.


Git shortcut commands.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: gitcm commit message ...

"Git CoMmit, push, and get head revision." No quotes needed for commit message.

usage: gitcop [-f] [branch_name]

"Git CheckOut and Pull." Assumes remote is named origin. Optional -f flag fetches first.
If no branch_name is provided, then only a pull will occur.

usage: githead [repo_path]

Gets the commit hash of the HEAD of the current (or specified) repo path.


Create standalone development workspaces.

Unlike with devshell's setupcurrentws command, this tool takes all of its setup info from the CLI:

usage: setupws [OPTIONS] workspace_name srcname:git_url [srcname:git_url ...] [scriptname=scriptpath ...]

Create a development workspace with specified git sources and scripts.

    --dev_dir [DIRNAME]        Specify the root directory where the [workspace_name] source
                               directory will be created (default: ~/dev)

    --data_dir [DIRNAME]       Specify the root directory where the [workspace_name] mutable 
                               data will be stored (default: ~/data)


Get the Git info about all sources in a devshell workspace.

This command needs to be run with a devshell workspace created with setupws.

usage: listsources

List git information for all sources in a workspace. Must be run 
within in a workspace created by setupws.


Flexible Nix shell.

usage: pkgshell [options] pkgs attr [--run CMD]

Make a nix shell with package [attr] from [pkgs] (e.g., '<nixpkgs>').
Optionally run a one-off command with --run CMD.

Special values for [pkgs]:
  anixpkgs      Fetch the latest anixpkgs from GitHub

-v|--verbose    Print verbose output.


Developer tool for creating siloed dev environments.

A workspace has the directory tree structure:

  • [dev_dir]/[workspace_name]: Workspace root.
    • data/: Directory for storing long-lived workspace data, symlinked to [data_dir]/[workspace_name].
    • .envrc: direnv environment file defining important worksapce aliases.
    • shell.nix: Workspace shell file for lorri integrations.
    • sources/: Directory containing all workspace source repositories.

The dev/ directory can be deleted and re-constructed as needed, whereas the data/ directory holds stuff that's meant to last.

Once in the shell, the following commands are provided:

  • setupcurrentws: A wrapped version of setupws that will build your development workspace as specified in ~/.devrc.
  • godev: An alias that will take you to the root of your development workspace.
  • listsources: See the listsources tool documentation.
  • dev: Enter an interactive menu for workspace source manipulation.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: devshell [-n|--new] [-d DEVRC] [-s DEVHIST] [--override-data-dir DIR] [--run CMD] workspace_name

Enter [workspace_name]'s development shell as defined in ~/.devrc
(can specify an alternate path with -d DEVRC or history file with
Add a new workspace with the -n|--new flag.
Optionally run a one-off command with --run CMD (e.g., --run dev).

Example ~/.devrc:
dev_dir = ~/dev
data_dir = ~/data
pkgs_dir = ~/sources/anixpkgs
pkgs_var = <anixpkgs>

# repositories
[manif-geom-cpp] = pkgs manif-geom-cpp
[geometry] = pkgs python3.pkgs.geometry
[pyvitools] =
[scrape] =

# scripts
<script_ref> = data_dir_relative_path/script

# workspaces
signals = manif-geom-cpp geometry pyvitools script_ref


Be randomly dictated to from passages of importance.

Requires a wiki secrets file at ~/secrets/wiki/secrets.json.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: providence [options] domain

Pick randomly from a specified domain:
- patriarchal
- passage

--wiki-url URL   URL of wiki to get data from (default:


Providence + Google Tasks integration.

Takes output from providence and places it into [num_days] consecutive days of Google Tasks.

Requires a wiki secrets file at ~/secrets/wiki/secrets.json and a Google Tasks secrets file at ~/secrets/task/secrets.json.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: providence-tasker [options] num_days

Generate [num_days] tasks derived from providence output.

--wiki-url URL   URL of wiki to get data from (default:


Unix-ify filenames.

usage: fixfname FILE

Replace spaces and remove [], () characters from a filename (in place).


Recurse the dependencies of a Nix package.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: nix-deps derivation
   OR e.g.,
       nix-deps '<nixpkgs>' -A pkgname

Recurse the dependencies of a Nix package.


Diff the Nix hashes of two closures or packages in nicely-formatted diffed text files (with ordering mostly preserved).

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: nix-diffs derivation1 derivation2 out_dir

Diff the Nix hashes of two closures or packages in nicely-formatted diffed text files (with ordering mostly preserved).


Get the current anixpkgs version of the operating system.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: anix-version

Get the current anixpkgs version of the operating system.


Upgrade the operating system. [NIXOS VERSION]

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: anix-upgrade [-v|--version VERSION;-c|--commit COMMIT;-b|--branch BRANCH;-s|--source SOURCETREE] [--local] [--boot]

Upgrade the operating system. [NIXOS VERSION]

For this to work properly, your configuration.nix file or home.nix file must be symlinked to some configuration file in ~/sources/anixpkgs (which is generated by this program).


Automatically update the flake lock of every changed ref (according to Git diff).

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: flake-update [path/to/flake.nix]

Automatically update the flake lock of every changed ref (according to Git diff).


Cloud directory management tool.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: rcrsync [OPTS] [init|sync|copy|override] CLOUD_DIR

Manage cloud directories with rclone.

      -v|--verbose     Print verbose output

CLOUD_DIR options:


Java Packages

(Toy) Packages written in Java.


Interactive hangman game where you'll probably lose (because the computer is cheating).

Written in Java. Repository

usage: evil-hangman <word-length> <num-guesses>


Offer up spelling corrections for provided mispelled words.

Written in Java. Repository

The repository contains the text-file dictionary from which all word suggestions derive.

usage: spelling-corrector <word>


Perform some simple image transformations from the command line.

Written in Java. Repository

Input and output images must be in the PPM image format.

usage: simple-image-editor <input.ppm> <output.ppm> [grayscale|invert|emboss|motionblur motion-blur-length]