
A portable webserver for ranking files via binary manual comparisons, powered by Python's flask library.

Spins up a flask webserver (on the specified port) whose purpose is to help a user rank files in the chosen data-dir directory via manual binary comparisons. The ranking is done via an incremental "RESTful" sorting strategy implemented within the pysorting library. State is created and maintained within the data-dir directory so that the ranking exercise can pick back up where it left off between different spawnings of the server. At this point, only the ranking of .txt and .png files is possible; other file types in data-dir will be ignored.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: rankserver [-h] [--port PORT] [--data-dir DATA_DIR]

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --port PORT          Port to run the server on
  --data-dir DATA_DIR  Directory containing the rankable elements