
RESTful incremental sorting with client-side comparators.


This library is a Python-wrapped version of the C++ sorting library. As such, it is meant to be used in conjunction with a client that can solicit answers to binary comparisons for the purpose of incremental sorting.

Example usage in a Python script:

# key-value pairs to be sorted by values
values = {0: 4.8, 1: 10.0, 2: 1.0, 3: 2.5, 4: 5.0}

state = QuickSortState()
state.n = 5
state.arr = [i for i in values.keys()]
state.stack = [0 for i in range(state.n)]
# validateState(state)

# proxy for user choices from some client; this will simply choose the larger
# value, resulting in an ascending sort
def updateComparator(a, b):
    if a < b:
        return int(ComparatorResult.LEFT_LESS)
    elif a > b:
        return int(ComparatorResult.LEFT_GREATER)
        return int(ComparatorResult.LEFT_EQUAL)
# simulate user choices until the list is sorted
iter = 0
maxIters = 50
while not ( == UINT32_MAX and state.c != 0) and iter < maxIters:
    iter_success, state_out = restfulQuickSort(state)
    state = state_out
    if state.l == int(ComparatorLeft.I):
        state.c = updateComparator(values[state.arr[state.i]], values[state.arr[state.p]])
    elif state.l == int(ComparatorLeft.J):
        state.c = updateComparator(values[state.arr[state.j]], values[state.arr[state.p]])
    iter += 1
# sorted keys
# state.arr == [2, 3, 0, 4, 1]