
Developer tool for creating siloed dev environments.

A workspace has the directory tree structure:

  • [dev_dir]/[workspace_name]: Workspace root.
    • data/: Directory for storing long-lived workspace data, symlinked to [data_dir]/[workspace_name].
    • .envrc: direnv environment file defining important worksapce aliases.
    • shell.nix: Workspace shell file for lorri integrations.
    • sources/: Directory containing all workspace source repositories.

The dev/ directory can be deleted and re-constructed as needed, whereas the data/ directory holds stuff that's meant to last.

Once in the shell, the following commands are provided:

  • setupcurrentws: A wrapped version of setupws that will build your development workspace as specified in ~/.devrc.
  • godev: An alias that will take you to the root of your development workspace.
  • listsources: See the listsources tool documentation.
  • dev: Enter an interactive menu for workspace source manipulation.

Usage (Auto-Generated)

usage: devshell [-n|--new] [-d DEVRC] [-s DEVHIST] [--override-data-dir DIR] [--run CMD] workspace_name

Enter [workspace_name]'s development shell as defined in ~/.devrc
(can specify an alternate path with -d DEVRC or history file with
Add a new workspace with the -n|--new flag.
Optionally run a one-off command with --run CMD (e.g., --run dev).

Example ~/.devrc:
dev_dir = ~/dev
data_dir = ~/data
pkgs_dir = ~/sources/anixpkgs
pkgs_var = <anixpkgs>

# repositories
[manif-geom-cpp] = pkgs manif-geom-cpp
[geometry] = pkgs python3.pkgs.geometry
[pyvitools] =
[scrape] =

# scripts
<script_ref> = data_dir_relative_path/script

# workspaces
signals = manif-geom-cpp geometry pyvitools script_ref