
Implementations for SO(3) and SE(3).


Python-wrapped version of the C++ manif-geom-cpp library.

Example Usage

Example usage of SO3:

# action
q = SO3.random()
v = np.random.random(3)
qv1 = q * v
qv2 = q.R().dot(v)
assert np.allclose(qv1, qv2)

# inversion and composition
qI = SO3.identity()
q1 = SO3.random()
q1i = q1.inverse()
q1I = q1 * q1i
assert np.allclose(qI.array(), q1I.array())

# Euler conversions
roll = -1.2
pitch = 0.6
yaw = -0.4
q = SO3.fromEuler(roll, pitch, yaw)
rpy = q.toEuler()
assert np.isclose(roll, rpy[0]) and np.isclose(pitch, rpy[1]) and np.isclose(yaw, rpy[2])

# plus / minus
R1 = SO3.random()
w = np.array([0.5, 0.2, 0.1])
R2 = R1 + w
w2 = R2 - R1
assert np.allclose(w, w2)

# chart maps
q = SO3.random()
w = np.random.random(3)
qlog = SO3.Log(q)
q2 = SO3.Exp(qlog)
assert np.allclose(q.array(), q2.array())
wexp = SO3.Exp(w)
w2 = SO3.Log(wexp)
assert np.allclose(w, w2)

# scaling
qI = SO3.identity()
qIs = 5.0 * qI
assert np.allclose(qI.array(), qIs.array())
qr = SO3.random()
qr2 = qr * 0.2
qr3 = qr2 / 0.2
assert np.allclose(qr.array(), qr3.array())