
CLI tools for managing my wiki notes site.


Usage (Auto-Generated)

Usage: wiki-tools [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Read and edit DokuWiki instance pages.

  --url TEXT                URL of the DokuWiki instance (https).  [default:
  --secrets-file PATH       Path to the DokuWiki login secrets JSON file.
                            [default: ~/secrets/wiki/secrets.json]
  --enable-logging BOOLEAN  Whether to enable logging.  [default: False]
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

  get               Read the content of a DokuWiki page.
  get-md            Read the content of a DokuWiki page in Markdown format.
  get-rand-journal  Get a random journal entry between 2013 and now.
  put               Put content onto a DokuWiki page.
  put-dir           Put a directory of pages into a DokuWiki namespace.
  put-md            Put Markdown content onto a DokuWiki page.
  put-md-dir        Put a directory of Markdown pages into a DokuWiki...

Usage: wiki-tools get [OPTIONS]

  Read the content of a DokuWiki page.

  --page-id TEXT  ID of the DokuWiki page.  [required]
  --output TEXT   Output text file name. Will print to terminal if not
  --help          Show this message and exit.

Usage: wiki-tools get-md [OPTIONS]

  Read the content of a DokuWiki page in Markdown format.

  --page-id TEXT  ID of the DokuWiki page.  [required]
  --output TEXT   Output Markdown file name. Will print to terminal if not
  --help          Show this message and exit.

Usage: wiki-tools get-rand-journal [OPTIONS]

  Get a random journal entry between 2013 and now.

  --namespace TEXT  Journal pages namespace.  [default: journals]
  --output TEXT     Output text file name. Will print to terminal if not
  --help            Show this message and exit.

Usage: wiki-tools put [OPTIONS]

  Put content onto a DokuWiki page.

  --page-id TEXT  ID of the DokuWiki page.  [required]
  --file PATH     File containing the target content.
  --content TEXT  Content to put on the page if file is not specified. NOTE:
                  This argument is mutually exclusive with content_file
  --help          Show this message and exit.

Usage: wiki-tools put-dir [OPTIONS]

  Put a directory of pages into a DokuWiki namespace.

  --pages-dir DIRECTORY  Directory with .txt pages to upload.  [required]
  --namespace TEXT       Namespace to upload the pages to.  [required]
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

Usage: wiki-tools put-md [OPTIONS]

  Put Markdown content onto a DokuWiki page.

  --page-id TEXT  ID of the DokuWiki page.  [required]
  --file PATH     Markdown file containing the target content.
  --content TEXT  Markdown content to put on the page if file is not
                  specified. NOTE: This argument is mutually exclusive with
  --help          Show this message and exit.

Usage: wiki-tools put-md-dir [OPTIONS]

  Put a directory of Markdown pages into a DokuWiki namespace.

  --pages-dir DIRECTORY  Directory with .txt pages to upload.  [required]
  --namespace TEXT       Namespace to upload the pages to.  [required]
  --help                 Show this message and exit.