Implementing Rotations: A Robotics Field Guide


My aim here is to elucidate the complex machinery that constitutes the hard part of working with transforms and frames in robotics: rotations and rotational representations.

Even when working with a pre-existing software library that provides rotational representations for you, there are so many different conventions (and the implications of those conventions, often mixed together, so ingrained in the math) that without thorough documentation on the part of the library (good luck), you're bound to be banging your head against the wall at some point. Sometimes, even understanding exactly what the functions are giving you can give you pause.

This guide is meant to be a one-stop-shop for concisely clarifying the possibilities and helping you recognize which ones you're working with and their implications. Some convenient calculators that conform to your chosen conventions are also provided.

Note: The FIXME keywords indicate missing information that I'll be filling in as my free time allows.

I've implemented many of these concepts in a C++ library with corresponding Python bindings. There's also a Python script that implements the checks laid out in this guide for deducing the rotational conventions used by a particular library.

Introduction: Conventions

Often ignored or omitted from documentation are the hidden conventions associated with a rotation representation implementation--particularly implementations that allow for converting between different representations. But conventions are very important to get right in order to ensure consistency and correctness, as well as prevent needless hours of debugging. This guide attempts to aggregate most, if not all, possible conventions for the various representations in one place. Here are the types of conventions relevant to rotational representations:

  • Ordering: Pure semantics--in what order are the components stored in memory and notationally?
  • Handedness: This convention is a catch-all for intrinsic properties that determine the geometry of compositions.
  • Function: Does the rotation serve to change the reference frame of a vector (Passive) or move the vector (Active) by its action? Note that in computer graphics, active functions are more common, whereas in robotics rotations almost always are meant to be passive. The one nuance is when library definitions associate quaternions with rotation matrices in such a way that it looks like the quaternion is acting as an active counterpart to its corresponding passive rotation matrix--more on that later.
  • Directionality: A rotation is relative--the rotation of frame \(A\) relative to frame \(B\). Directionality determines which of \(A\) or \(B\) is the frame being rotated from and to. In robotics, the canonical \(A\) and \(B\) frames are often labeled as \(W\) (the "World" frame) and \(B\) (the "Body" frame). The “World” and “Body” frames are only semi-arbitrary. Regardless of conventions, it is natural to think of a rotation intuitively as going from some “static (World)” frame to some “transformed (Body)” frame.
  • Perturbation: Only relevant for representations that have defined addition \(\oplus\) and subtraction \(\ominus\) operators and thus tangent-space vector aliases. Perturbation convention determines which tangent space (or "frame") the vector belongs to. The convention is largely up to your preference, and isn't specifically tied to the other conventions used--you just have to be consistent within your algorithm!

The table below gives most, if not all, of the possible convention combinations for the rotational representations used in this guide.

Ordering (O)Handedness (H)Function (F)Directionality (D)Perturbation (P)
Rotation MatrixActive / PassiveB2W / W2BLocal / Global
Euler Angles3-2-1 / 3-2-3 / 3-1-3\(^{*}\)Successive / Fixed AxesActive / PassiveB2W / W2B
Rodrigues / Axis-AngleActive / PassiveB2W / W2B
Quaternion\(q_w\) first / \(q_w\) lastRight / LeftActive / PassiveB2W / W2BLocal / Global

\(^{*}\) There are really \(3^3\) possible orderings of Euler Angles, though a good portion of those are redundant. The three chosen conventions in the table were chosen as (1) NASA standard airplane, (2) NASA standard aerospace, and (3) historically significant.

Two very popular convention groups for quaternions are called the Hamilton and Shuster/JPL conventions. This table will also include the conventions used by some members of my lab:

Ordering (O)Handedness (H)Function (F)Directionality (D)
Hamilton\(q_w\) first / lastRightPassiveB2W
Shuster / JPL\(q_w\) lastLeftPassiveW2B
My Lab\(q_w\) firstRightActiveW2B

See Table 1 of the Flipped Quaternion Paper for an overview of literature and software that use the Hamilton and Shuster / JPL conventions.

Introduction: Notions of Distance

A distance metric \(\text{dist}(a,b)\) must satisfy the following properties:

  • non-negativity: \(\text{dist}(a,b) \geq 0\)
  • identity: \(\text{dist}(a,b)=0 \iff a=b\)
  • symmetry: \(\text{dist}(a,b) \geq \text{dist}(b,a)\)
  • triangle inequality: \(\text{dist}(a,c) \leq \text{dist}(a,b) + \text{dist}(b,c)\)

There are many possible choices depending on analytical/computational convenience, particularly for rotations. A good review of metrics can be found in R. Hartley, J. Trumpf, Y. Dai, and H. Li. Rotation averaging. IJCV, 103(3):267-305, 2013..

Rotation Matrix

Construction Techniques

From Frame Axes \(A\) & \(B\)

F = Passive:

$$\mathbf{R}_A^B=\begin{bmatrix}^B\mathbf{x}_A & ^B\mathbf{y}_A & ^B\mathbf{z}_A\end{bmatrix}$$

F = Active:

See F = passive, where \(A\) is the source frame and \(B\) is the destination frame.

From Rotation \(\theta\) about n-Axis from World to Body

  • 1 and 0's on the n-dimension
  • Cosines on the diagonal
  • Sines everywhere else...

D = B2W:

  • ...Negative sine underneath the 1

D = W2B, F = Passive:

  • ...Negative sine above the 1

D = W2B, F = Active:

  • ...Negative sine underneath the 1

Conversions (To...)

Euler Angles



i.e., the SO(3) logarithmic map.

D = B2W:


if \(\theta\neq 0\):

$$\theta\mathbf{u} = Log(\mathbf{R}) = \frac{\theta(\mathbf{R}-\mathbf{R}^T)^\vee}{2\sin(\theta)}$$


$$\theta\mathbf{u} = Log(\mathbf{R}) = \mathbf{0}$$

Alternatively, \(\mathbf{u}\) can be thought of as the eigenvector of \(\mathbf{R}\) that corresponds to the eigenvalue \(1\).

D = W2B, F = Passive:


D = W2B, F = Active:



D = B2W:


if \(\delta>0\) then






else if \(R_{11}>R_{22}\) and \(R_{11}>R_{33}\) then






else if \(R_{22}>R_{33}\) then












D = W2B, F = Passive:


D = W2B, F = Active:


if \(\delta>0\) then






else if \(R_{11}>R_{22}\) and \(R_{11}>R_{33}\) then






else if \(R_{22}>R_{33}\) then













F = passive


F = active


Composition and Inversion





Addition and Subtraction

Perturbations are represented by \(\boldsymbol{\theta}\in \mathbb{R}^3\), where local perturbations are expressed in the body frame and global perturbations are expressed in the world frame.


F = Passive, D = B2W, P = Local

$$\boldsymbol{R}_{B+}^{W}=\boldsymbol{R}_{B}^{W} \text{Exp}\left(\boldsymbol{\theta}_{B+}^{B}\right)$$

F = Passive, D = B2W, P = Global


F = Passive, D = W2B, P = Local




Notions of Distance


Gives the effective rotation angle about the correct axis:



A computational, straight-line shortcut utilizing the Frobenius norm:


Derivatives and (Numeric) Integration


Representational Strengths and Shortcomings


  • Excellent for calculations


  • Not very human-readable
  • Clearly redundant with 9 numbers for a 3-DOF quantity

Unit Tests to Determine Conventions


Euler Angles

Assuming 3-2-1 ordering.

Construction Techniques

From visualizing rotations from World to Body axes

First consideration: Order. Follow the exact order in a straightforward fashion.

Second, handedness must be considered:

H = Successive

Each rotation is visualized to be with respect to the transformed axes of the previous rotation.

H = Fixed

Each rotation is visualized to be with respect to the world axes.

Handedness must be noted for all future operations with the numbers you just generated.

Conversions (To...)

This is the computational bedrock of the usefulness of Euler Angles. In fact, the Function and Directionality conventions only matter for conversions, and are dictated by the destination forms.

Rotation Matrix

See Rotation Matrix construction techniques for building the component \(\mathbf{R}_i\) matrices here.

First consideration is directionality of the matrices (must be consistent):

D = B2W


D = W2B, F = Passive


D = W2B, F = Active


Then, take into account handedness:

H = Successive

Keep the above, which was derived assuming successive axes.

H = Fixed

Reverse the above, whatever it is:

$$\mathbf{R}_a\mathbf{R}_b\mathbf{R}_c \rightarrow \mathbf{R}_c\mathbf{R}_b\mathbf{R}_a$$

And the reversed rotations must be with respect to the chosen fixed frame. See below.

The aim is to prove that intrinsic and extrinsic rotation compositions are applied in reverse order from each other. To prove this, consider three frames 0,1,2, where 0 is the fixed "world" frame. Suppose that \(\mathbf{R}_2^0\) represents the rotation of the 2-frame relative to the 0-frame. To encode that rotation relative to the 1-frame requires a similarity transform, granted that the frames no longer appear to cancel out nicely:


Placing this within the context of rotation composition to get from frame 2 to 0, the composition looks like


Note the reversed directionality between the intrinsic composition \(\mathbf{R}_1^0\mathbf{R}_2^1\) and the equivalent extrinsic composition \(\mathbf{R}_2^0\mathbf{R}_1^0\). Generic rotations were used here, demonstrating generalizability.





Composition and Inversion

Not applicable for Euler angles. Composition and inversion are typically performed by first converting the Euler angles to a rotation matrix.

Derivatives and (Numeric) Integration

Unlike with composition and inversion, there are methods of numeric differentiation and integration with Euler angles that are mathematically valid over infinitesimally small delta angles.


Representational Strengths and Shortcomings


  • Can be very intuitive
  • Minimal representation


  • There are many different orders and conventions that people don't always specify
  • Operations with Euler angles involve trigonometric functions, and are thus slower to compute and more difficult to analyze
  • Singularities/Gimbal Lock: For example, \(\mathbf{R}=\mathbf{R}_z(\delta)\mathbf{R}_y(\pi/2)\mathbf{R}_x(\alpha+\delta)\) for any choice of \(\delta\). Singularities will occur for any 3-parameter representation (J. Stuelpnagel. On the Parametrization of the Three-Dimensional Rotation Group. SIAM Review, 6(4):422-430, 1964.).

Unit Tests to Determine Conventions



Construction Techniques

Remember, \(\mathbf{u}\) is expressed in the World frame, just as you would intuitively think.

From Axis-Angle Representation: \(\theta\), \(\mathbf{u}\)

Normalize \(\mathbf{u}\) and multiply by \(\theta\).

Conversions (To...)

Besides tangent-space operations, this is the computational bedrock of the usefulness of Euler/Rodrigues.* In fact, as with Euler Angles, the Function and Directionality conventions only matter for conversions, and are dictated by the destination forms.

Rotation Matrix

i.e., the SO(3) exponential map.

*i.e., Rodrigues' rotation formula.

D = B2W

$$\mathbf{R}_B^W=\cos\theta\mathbf{I}+\sin\theta[\mathbf{u}]_\times+(1-\cos\theta)\mathbf{u} \mathbf{u}^T$$



$$\approx \boldsymbol{I}+\lfloor \boldsymbol{\theta} \rfloor_{\times}$$

D = W2B, F = Passive


D = W2B, F = Active


Euler Angles



i.e., the Quaternion exponential map.

Assuming O = \(q_w\) first.

D = B2W

$$\mathbf{q}=\begin{bmatrix}\cos(\theta/2) \\ \sin(\theta/2)\mathbf{u}\end{bmatrix}$$

D = W2B, F = Passive


D = W2B, F = Active


Composition and Inversion





Derivatives and (Numeric) Integration


Representational Strengths and Shortcomings


  • Constitutes the Lie Group of \(SO(3)\).
  • Easily visualized and understood
  • Minimal representation


  • Similar to Euler Angles, operations are with trig functions, and thus slower to compute and harder to analyze (though the inverse is trivial to compute)
  • Non-unique!

Unit Tests to Determine Conventions



Construction Techniques

Because quaternions are so non-intuitive, it is generally best to construct a quaternion at the outset either as the identity rotation or converted from a different representation.

Conversions (To...)

Rotation Matrix

D = B2W

Hamiltonian cosine matrix:

$$\mathbf{R}=\mathbf{C}_H=(q_w^2-1)\boldsymbol{I}+2q_w\lfloor\boldsymbol{q}_v\rfloor_{\times}+2\boldsymbol{q}_v\boldsymbol{q}_v^{\top}=\begin{bmatrix}1-2q_y^2-2q_z^2 & 2q_xq_y-2q_wq_z & 2q_xq_z+2q_wq_y \\ 2q_xq_y+2q_wq_z & 1-2q_x^2-2q_z^2 & 2q_yq_z-2q_wq_x \\ 2q_xq_z-2q_wq_y & 2q_yq_z+2q_wq_x & 1-2q_x^2-2q_y^2\end{bmatrix}$$

D = W2B, F = Passive



D = W2B, F = Active

Shuster cosine matrix:

$$\mathbf{R}=\mathbf{C}_S=(q_w^2-1)\boldsymbol{I}-2q_w\lfloor\boldsymbol{q}_v\rfloor_{\times}+2\boldsymbol{q}_v\boldsymbol{q}_v^{\top}=\begin{bmatrix}1-2q_y^2-2q_z^2 & 2q_xq_y+2q_wq_z & 2q_xq_z-2q_wq_y \\ 2q_xq_y-2q_wq_z & 1-2q_x^2-2q_z^2 & 2q_yq_z+2q_wq_x \\ 2q_xq_z+2q_wq_y & 2q_yq_z-2q_wq_x & 1-2q_x^2-2q_y^2\end{bmatrix}$$


The use of \(C_H\) means that \(\text{Exp}(\tilde{q}) \approx I + [\tilde{q}]_\times \) for small \(\tilde{q}\). For \(C_S\), the approximation becomes \(I - [\tilde{q}]_\times\). A transposed matrix flips the sign again. The sign change for the active + passive world-to-body convention is important because the values in the actual quaternion correspond to the inverse of the underlying passive quaternion. Thus, all Jacobians \(\partial \cdot / \partial \tilde{q}\) must have that negated sign to send the linearizing derivatives in the correct direction given the apparent error-state value.

Euler Angles





Assuming O = \(q_w\) last. Flip for \(q_w\) first.

F = passive

$$\mathbf{q}_A^B \otimes \begin{bmatrix}^A\mathbf{v} \\ 0\end{bmatrix} \otimes \left(\mathbf{q}_A^B\right)^{-1}=^B\mathbf{v}$$

Homogeneous Coordinates:

$$\mathbf{q}_A^B \otimes \begin{bmatrix}^A\mathbf{v} \\ 1\end{bmatrix} \otimes \left(\mathbf{q}_A^B\right)^{-1}=^B\mathbf{v}$$

F = active


Composition and Inversion


$$\mathbf{q}_1 \otimes \mathbf{q}_2=[\mathbf{q}_1]_L\mathbf{q}_2=[\mathbf{q}_2]_R\mathbf{q}_1$$

H = Right, O = qw-first

$$[\mathbf{q}]_L=\begin{bmatrix}q_w & -\mathbf{q}_v^T \\ \mathbf{q}_v & q_w\mathbf{I}+[\mathbf{q}_v]_\times\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}q_w & -q_x & -q_y & -q_z \\ q_x & q_w & -q_z & q_y \\ q_y & q_z & q_w & -q_x \\ q_z & -q_y & q_x & q_w\end{bmatrix}$$

$$[\mathbf{q}]_R=\begin{bmatrix}q_w & -\mathbf{q}_v^T \\ \mathbf{q}_v & q_w\mathbf{I}-[\mathbf{q}_v]_\times\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}q_w & -q_x & -q_y & -q_z \\ q_x & q_w & q_z & -q_y \\ q_y & -q_z & q_w & q_x \\ q_z & q_y & -q_x & q_w \end{bmatrix}$$

H = Right, O = qw-last

$$[\mathbf{q}]_L=\begin{bmatrix}q_w\mathbf{I}+[\mathbf{q}_v]_\times & \mathbf{q}_v\\ -\mathbf{q}_v^T & q_w\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}q_w & -q_z & q_y & q_x\\ q_z & q_w & -q_x & q_y\\ -q_y & q_x & q_w & q_z \\ -q_x & -q_y & -q_z & q_w\end{bmatrix}$$

$$[\mathbf{q}]_R=\begin{bmatrix}q_w\mathbf{I}-[\mathbf{q}_v]_\times & \mathbf{q}_v\\ -\mathbf{q}_v^T & q_w\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}q_w & q_z & -q_y & q_x\\ -q_z & q_w & q_x & q_y\\q_y & -q_x & q_w & q_z \\ -q_x & -q_y & -q_z & q_w\end{bmatrix}$$

H = Left, O = qw-first

$$[\mathbf{q}]_L=\begin{bmatrix}q_w & -\mathbf{q}_v^T \\ \mathbf{q}_v & q_w\mathbf{I}-[\mathbf{q}_v]_\times\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}q_w & -q_x & -q_y & -q_z \\ q_x & q_w & q_z & -q_y \\ q_y & -q_z & q_w & q_x \\ q_z & q_y & -q_x & q_w \end{bmatrix}$$

$$[\mathbf{q}]_R=\begin{bmatrix}q_w & -\mathbf{q}_v^T \\ \mathbf{q}_v & q_w\mathbf{I}+[\mathbf{q}_v]_\times\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}q_w & -q_x & -q_y & -q_z \\ q_x & q_w & -q_z & q_y \\ q_y & q_z & q_w & -q_x \\ q_z & -q_y & q_x & q_w\end{bmatrix}$$

H = Left, O = qw-last

$$[\mathbf{q}]_L=\begin{bmatrix}q_w\mathbf{I}-[\mathbf{q}_v]_\times & \mathbf{q}_v \\ -\mathbf{q}_v^T & q_w\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}q_w & q_z & -q_y & q_x \\ -q_z & q_w & q_x & q_y\\q_y & -q_x & q_w & q_z \\ -q_x & -q_y & -q_z & q_w\end{bmatrix}$$

$$[\mathbf{q}]_R=\begin{bmatrix}q_w\mathbf{I}+[\mathbf{q}_v]_\times & \mathbf{q}_v\\ -\mathbf{q}_v^T & q_w\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}q_w & -q_z & q_y & q_x \\ q_z & q_w & -q_x & q_y\\ -q_y & q_x & q_w & q_z \\ -q_x & -q_y & -q_z & q_w\end{bmatrix}$$

When attaching frames to the quaternions, composition has the potential for nuance due to the fact that, in certain implementations, a quaternion can be specified to represent a certain type of SO(3) rotation that actually uses different conventions from the quaternion. This seems unwise, but it happens, as with certain manifestations of the JPL convention. For that reason, one cannot simply exclusively pair Passive B2W behavior with active behavior, as other combinations are also fair game.

D = B2W

$$\mathbf{q}_A^C=\mathbf{q}_B^C\otimes \mathbf{q}_A^B$$

D = W2B, F = Passive

$$\mathbf{q}_A^C=\mathbf{q}_B^C\otimes \mathbf{q}_A^B$$

D = W2B, F = Active

$$\mathbf{q}_A^C=\mathbf{q}_A^B\otimes \mathbf{q}_B^C$$


$$\mathbf{q}^{-1}=\begin{bmatrix}q_w\\ \mathbf{q}_v\end{bmatrix}^{-1}=\begin{bmatrix}q_w\\ -\mathbf{q}_v\end{bmatrix}$$

$$\left(\mathbf{q}_a \otimes \mathbf{q}_b \otimes \dots \otimes \mathbf{q}_N\right)^{-1}=\mathbf{q}_N^{-1}\otimes \dots \otimes \mathbf{q}_b^{-1} \otimes \mathbf{q}_a^{-1}$$

Addition and Subtraction


Notions of Distance

Quaternion distance


A modification to account for the negative sign ambiguity:


Derivatives and (Numeric) Integration


Representational Strengths and Shortcomings


  • Minimal representation with no singularities!
  • Fast computation without resorting to trigonometry
  • Composition has 16 products instead of 27 for rotation matrices


  • Not as intuitive as Euler Angles
  • Sign ambiguity poses challenges that must be circumvented in control and estimation problems

Unit Tests to Determine Correctness



More info on quaternions found here((Some UPenn notes on quaternions)).