Andrew Torgesen

Links to my projects, software, and other work.


About Me

I use applied math and systems expertise to write (and lead teams that write) production software that runs on (mostly flying) robots, allowing them to see, map their surroundings, and ostensibly take on a life of their own. I am passionate about tackling problems in software and robot autonomy, estimation, and control. This passion has continued to be fomented from my Masters at MIT (thesis) through my subsequent career leading software teams that enable autonomy at the edge on flying vehicles.

My deepest intellectual interests lie not only in the math and theory, but also in the principled engineering and relentless requirements management, automated testing paradigms, and teamwork that goes into creating compelling yet reliable deployed products. To me, theory is most stimulating when I can see a path to creating a real-world solution that continues to work again and again beyond the exciting demo.

All of that said, my interests and pursuits encompass more than engineering and mathematics. I have long been interested in philosophy, music, art, and sports. Digital painting is one of my favorite hobbies. Ahead of all that, my deepest lasting satisfaction comes from being with my wife and family.

Check out the links below for some of my projects, hobbies, and unending learning initiatives.



© 2024 Andrew Torgesen