Machine Management

These notes are still a work-in-progress and are currently largely for my personal use only.

Home-Manager Example

  1. Install Nix standalone:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L | sh -s -- install
  1. Set proper Nix settings in /etc/nix/nix.conf:
substituters =
trusted-public-keys =
narinfo-cache-positive-ttl = 0
narinfo-cache-negative-ttl = 0
experimental-features = nix-command flakes auto-allocate-uids
  1. Add these Nix channels via nix-channel --add URL NAME:
$ nix-channel --list
  1. Install home-manager:

Example home.nix file for personal use:

{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
  user = "andrew";
  homedir = "/home/${user}";
  anixsrc = ./path/to/sources/anixpkgs/.;
in with import ../dependencies.nix { inherit config; }; {
  home.username = user;
  home.homeDirectory = homedir;
  programs.home-manager.enable = true;

  imports = [

  mods.opts.standalone = true;
  mods.opts.homeDir = homedir;
  mods.opts.homeState = "23.05";
  mods.opts.browserExec = "google-chrome-stable";

*-rec-* packages can be removed for non-recreational use.

Symlink to ~/.config/home-manager/home.nix.

Corresponding ~/.bashrc:

export NIX_PATH=$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels:/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels${NIX_PATH:+:$NIX_PATH}
. "$HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/"
# alias code='codium'
# eval "$(direnv hook bash)"

Build and Deploy a Raspberry Pi NixOS SD Configuration

Since the hardware configuration for the Raspberry Pi is well understood, it makes sense to skip the installer step and deploy a fully-fledged clusure instead.

nixos-generate -f sd-aarch64 --system aarch64-linux -c /path/to/anixpkgs/pkgs/nixos/configurations/config.nix [-I nixpkgs=/path/to/alternative/nixpkgs]
nix-shell -p zstd --run "unzstd -d /nix/store/path/to/image.img.zst"
sudo dd if=/path/to/image.img of=/dev/sdX bs=4096 conv=fsync status=progress

On the Pi, connect to the internet, copy over SSH keys (maybe no need for /root/.ssh/) and then set up the Nix channel(s):

sudo nix-channel --add[NIXOS-VERSION] nixos
sudo nix-channel --update

Note that the nixos-generate step may not have "aarch-ified" the anixpkgs packages (that's something for me to look into) so the anix-upgrade setup steps are especially important:

  • Make a ~/sources directory
  • Symlink the configuration file even if it doesn't exist yet
  • Run anix-upgrade to aarch-ify everything

Build a Raspberry Pi NixOS SD Installer Image

nixos-generate -f sd-aarch64-installer --system aarch64-linux -c /path/to/rpi/config.nix [-I nixpkgs=/path/to/alternative/nixpkgs]
nix-shell -p zstd --run "unzstd -d /nix/store/path/to/image.img.zst"
sudo dd if=/path/to/image.img of=/dev/sdX bs=4096 conv=fsync status=progress

On the Pi, copy over SSH keys (including to /root/.ssh/!) and then set up the Nix channel:

sudo nix-channel --add[NIXOS-VERSION] nixos
sudo nix-channel --update

Installation Instructions on a New Machine



Note: You can replace steps 1-8 with a kexec kernel load and disk formatting with disko:

  1. Download a NixOS ISO image.
  2. Plug in a USB stick large enough to accommodate the image.
  3. Find the right device with lsblk or fdisk -l. Replace /dev/sdX with the proper device (do not use /dev/sdX1 or partitions of the disk; use the whole disk /dev/sdX).
  4. Burn ISO to USB stick with
cp nixos-xxx.iso /dev/sdX
# OR
dd if=nixos.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress conv=fdatasync
  1. On the new machine, one-time boot UEFI into the USB stick on the computer (will need to disable Secure Boot from BIOS first)
  2. Wipe the file system:
wipefs [--all -a] /dev/sda
  1. gparted
    1. Create a GUID table: Device > Create Partition Table > GPT
      1. Select /dev/sda
      2. Entire disk
    2. Create the boot partition: Partition > New
      1. Free space preceding (MiB): 1
      2. New size (MiB): 512
      3. Free space following (MiB): Rest
      4. Align to: MiB
      5. Create as: Primary Partition
      6. Partition name: EFI
      7. File system: fat32
      8. Label: EFI
    3. Add the boot flag
      1. Right-click on /dev/sda1 to manage flags
      2. Add the boot flag and enable esp (should be automatic with GPT)
    4. Create the root partition: Partition > New
      1. Free space preceding (MiB): 0
      2. New size (MiB): Rest
      3. Free space following (MiB): 0
      4. Align to: MiB
      5. Create as: Primary Partition
      6. Partition name: NixOS
      7. File system: ext4
      8. Label: NixOS
    5. Apply modifications
  2. Mount root and boot partitions:
mkdir /mnt/nixos
mount /dev/disk/by-label/NixOS /mnt/nixos
mkdir /mnt/nixos/boot
mount /dev/disk/by-label/EFI /mnt/nixos/boot
  1. Generate an initial configuration (you'll want it to enable WiFi connectivity and a web browser at least):
nixos-generate-config --root /mnt/nixos
# /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
# /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix
  1. Do the installation:
nixos-install --root /mnt/nixos
  1. If everything went well:
  1. Log into Github and generate an SSH key for authentication.
  2. Clone and link an editable version of the configuration:
mkdir -p /data/andrew/sources # or in an alternate location, for now
git clone /data/andrew/sources/anixpkgs
cat /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix > /data/andrew/sources/anixpkgs/pkgs/nixos/hardware/[hardware-configuration.nix] # update link/headings in configuration.nix
sudo mv /etc/nixos/configuration.nix /etc/nixos/old.configuration.nix
sudo mv /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix /etc/nixos/old.hardware-configuration.nix
sudo ln -s /data/andrew/sources/anixpkgs/pkgs/nixos/configurations/[your-configuration.nix] /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
  1. Make other needed updates to the configuration, then apply:
sudo nixos-rebuild boot
sudo reboot

Upgrading NixOS versions with anixpkgs

Aside from the source code changes in anixpkgs, ensure that your channels have been updated for the root user:

# e.g., upgrading to 24.05:

sudo nix-channel --update. Then upgrade with

anix-upgrade [source specification] --local --boot

Cloud Syncing

The following mount points are recommended (using rclone to set up):

  • dropbox:secrets -> rclone copy -> ~/secrets
  • dropbox:configs-> rclone copy -> ~/configs
  • dropbox:Games -> rclone copy -> ~/games
  • box:data -> rclone copy -> ~/data
  • box:.devrc -> rclone copy -> ~/.devrc
  • drive:Documents -> rclone copy -> ~/Documents

Build a NixOS ISO Image

TODO (untested); work out hardware configuration portion.

nixos-generate -f iso -c /path/to/personal/configuration.nix [-I nixpkgs=/path/to/alternative/nixpkgs]
sudo dd if=/path/to/nixos.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M conv=fsync status=progress